Obama Signs NDAA Martial Law!
T r e a s o n  i n  A m e r i c a !

By David J. Stewart | January 2012 | Updated June 2015

NDAA Law Says Military Can Now Have Sex With Animals!!!

Habakkuk 1:4, “Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth.”

       On December 31, 2011 (while Congress was away for a quite New Year's Eve weekend), President Barack Obama signed into law the National Defense Authorization Law (NDAA). The NDAA is treason against the American people! Literally, you can be arrested and detained indefinitely for any reason now. You have no legal right to an attorney to represent you. You have no legal right to a fair trial. You won't ever appear in court. Homeland Security can just shoot you in the head and you'll never be seen again. There's nothing that you nor your family can do. This is beyond evil!!

Please read, Our Government Is Almost Completely Overthrown. This is worse than the thriller science-fiction TERMINATOR series, in which Sky-Net takes over national defense and robots declare war on humans. It's unimaginable in this once free and great nation, that criminal tyrants have hi-jacked our government and are now imposing martial Law on American citizens. It's humans declaring war on humans. Video below...

All hell is about to be unleashed in the United States—society is morally bankrupt (a toxic cesspool of iniquity), the dollar is being totally devalued, jobs are gone to foreign labor, our economy is about to implode... this is why a Police State is being set-up (to indefinitely incarcerate angry Americans, patriots, faithful Christians and constitutionalists as enemies of the state). The military are going to be used to police citizens.

You need to study history, about Communist regimes and what happened to society.

Edward Griffin: The Truth About Communism (a 2 hour documentary)

Learn about the millions of innocent people they murdered. These videos are graphic, showing people being shot dead by firing squads for simply wanting to be free, mass graves filled with bodies, the same exact political tactics and brainwashing of young people as we see today in America. It not only can happen in America... IT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!!!

The following video series is narrated by (of all people) Ronald Reagan long before he became U.S. President. Reagan was recognized as a champion against Communism. Although these videos are the best documentaries available exposing the evils of Communism, at some point Reagan sold-out to the criminal elite (just as the once fundamentalist Billy Graham sold out to Roman Catholicism and apostasy). Dr. John R. Rice actually said decades ago that he thought Billy Graham would become the next Billy Sunday. We'll, Billy Graham became the next Billy Balaam (prophet for hire, 2nd Peter 2:15). Likewise, Reagan sold his soul to the Devil for fame, pleasures and fortune. The following video below is the same as above, but is divided into a series. I am giving you both links just in case one is ever removed...

Edward Griffin: The Truth About Communism (2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13)

Communism And The Civil Rights Movement (by Professor G. Edward Griffin)

Reagan was a member of the satanic Bohemian Grove in California (which President Nixon said was the “the most faggy G_ddamned thing you could ever imagine.” Reagan was commonly known in southern California by his peers as “rainbow Ronnie” for his homosexuality (not surprising when you learn that both Presidents George Bush Jr. and Sr. are homosexuals and worse). DynCorp evidences the level of depravity in our government.

These people are monsters! Even more bizarre is that George Bush Sr. is married to Barbara (the daughter of satanist Aleister Crowley). Truth is stranger than fiction. Reagan was not what he appeared to be. Reagan became a loyal puppet of the globalists. As governor of California, Reagan legalized astrology. Nancy Reagan, his wife, practiced astrology and contacted an astrologer upon the advice of her friend Merv Griffin when President Reagan was shot.

Everything is moving incrementally, step-by-step, much faster than the criminal globalist elite could have envisioned. After decades of pumping immoral television, heathen music, pornography, wicked laws, feminist engineering and worldly philosophies into the minds of impressionable youth... America has become soft, dumbed down, vulnerable and lulled into a state of psychosis (numb to reality).

Here's some information about the National Defense Authorization Law (NDAA), what Obama just signed and what it means to Americans...

The National Defense Authorization Act is a United States federal law that has been enacted for each of the past 48 years to specify the budget and expenditures of the United States Department of Defense. A recent controversial provision in the NDAA act for 2012 has received critical attention as Section 1031 allows for the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens without a trial or hearing, and Section 1032 requires that the detention be by the armed forces in the case of non-citizens. As passed, the 2012 bill includes language in Section 1032 stating the intent is not to change existing common law, such as Hamdi v. Rumsfeld and Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, which ruled that lawful United States citizens have the right to challenge their detention before an impartial judge and military commissions (such as those at Guantanamo Bay) lack the power to proceed, respectively. Citizens of the United States are statutorily excluded only from the "requirement for military custody" in Section 1032, which provides the executive branch discretion whether to indefinitely detain U.S. citizens within military detention centers, or alternatively in the Federal prison system.


America increasingly is becoming like Nazi Germany during World War II. Homeland Security (terrorizing the homeland) will now be able to arrest anyone they deem a terrorist, and incarcerate citizens indefinitely without right to an attorney or due process. FREEDOM IS GONE!!!

Homeland Security is a sham department of government set-up by the CIA to undermine America's freedom. FEMA and all other government departments are now occupied by key puppets of the global elite (which were appointed to office during the Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr. and Obama presidential administrations).

Only a total stupefied and apostate pastor would support the wickedness happening on Washington and Wall Street. Some Christians have been foolishly taught that since God appoints criminal leaders over wicked people, then we ought to support criminal leaders; however, to do so means to support the killing of innocent people with illegal military action, the unlawful confiscation of people's possessions, and bearing false witness as a pretext for committing such high crimes. God does not tell us to support the wicked.

You had better get right with God and stop listening to Zionist preachers who don't know what they're talking about. The Bible doesn't teach submission to criminals WHEN IT IS IN OUR POWER TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!! To understand the depth of the Zionist infiltration of America, you need to watch this video documentary (one of many available on the internet)...

Obama Rothschild's Choice (Full Movie) America's Jewish President (crime bosses rule United States!)

Satan is the god of this evil world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Satan inspires occult members through numerous sinister organizations, such as Freemasonry and Hollywood, to do his evil work and corrupt society.

The Bill of Rights won't protect you anymore. According to Patriot Act II, Americans can be charged with terrorism for even the slightest offences, like protesting in Speech Free Zones or being a political subversive. Incrementally, our goose is being cooked in America!

Out of 535 elected members of congress, only 40 object to this treasonous bill. The other 495 sorry, low-down, scum-sucking, slime-ball, members of congress ought to be fired. What a despicable group of traitors to the United States!

40 Members of Congress Protest ‘Indefinite Detention’ Bill

Legislation set for final vote Thursday

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

40 members of Congress have sent an urgent letter to House and Senate Armed Services Committee leaders protesting provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act that would legalize indefinite detention of American citizens without trial, as the revised version of the bill heads for a final vote on Thursday.

“The Senate-passed version of the NDAA, S. 1867, contains Section 1031, which authorizes indefinite military detention of suspected terrorists without protecting U.S. citizens’ right to trial. We are deeply concerned that this provision could undermine the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth amendment rights of U.S. citizens who might be subjects of detention or prosecution by the military,” states the letter.

Opposition to the bill has been bipartisan. While the letter is signed mostly by Democratic members of Congress, Republican representatives like Justin Amash, Ron Paul, and Rand Paul have also been vocal in their opposition.

SOURCE: 40 Members of Congress Protest ‘Indefinite Detention’ Bill

This is frighteningly reminiscent of the book Archipelago Gulag by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008). That's exactly what was going on in the Russian communist revolution under Stalin between 1920-1950. People were being indefinitely detained, enslaved, sent into the gulags as work-prisoners for the almighty state. Millions of victims froze to death in Siberia working the coal mines and cutting down timber building Stalin's projects.

If an actor displayed anti-government sentiment in a play, he ended up in a gulag detention camp. Fathers would say goodbye to their wife and kids for a normal day at work (so they thought), never to return home again. People got into taxies and were never seen again.

Having been imprisoned for several years in a Russian gulag camp himself, Alexander Solzhenitsyn said oftentimes the very fear of being abducted and sent into the camps was worse than when it actually happened. Only 15% of the Russian population were sent into the gulag work camps, while the other 85% went about daily life as usual. While children played and people went about their business, the government abducted anyone whom they labeled as an enemy of the state. This is exactly what Homeland Security (a treasonous coup) is moving toward. This will happen in America, I assure you. It is starting already. This indefinite detention bill ought to frighten every American.

Political subversives were sent into the gulag work-camps. Authors who showed contempt for the revolution were deemed enemies of the state, sent into the work camps. This is what indefinite detention means my friend! Wake up! Women in the gulags were given privileges if they succumbed to the sexual advances of the prison officials. The horrors of the death-camp gulags greatly came to light when the Berlin Wall came down in 1987 (originally built in 1961) and historians rushed into East Germany to complete the historical records. The Russian government still refuses to acknowledge the atrocities of the death-camps, typical of Communist regimes.

If you haven't figured it out yet, this law is going to target anyone and everyone whom the globalists don't like. Homeland Security is an insidious (working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way) group, controlled by the Wall Street banking-mafia and the Military Industrial Complex. These traitors are the villainy of mankind, hardcore servants of Satan.

Woe unto all the woefully ignorant Americans who sit and listen to the paid liars and deceivers in the mainstream newsmedia. Most of what people are being fed by the evil newsmedia is distorted lies, controlled opposition and deception. Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly are traitors to America, enemies of Jesus Christ and no friend to the American people. Rotten television programming, such as THE VIEW is evil to the core, intended to promote the homosexual agenda and the agendas of the globalists who keep them rich.

“We no longer have U.S. presidents. This happened when George W. Bush issued a massive Executive Order No. 13286, and merged the military together with the civilian law enforcement system under one head, and called it the Department of Homeland Security. Such a merger is never done in a republic if it is to remain a republic! That merger revamps our government, and it now constitutes a dictatorship! George W. Bush later issued a sequential Executive Order which transferred this massive dictatorial power for the exclusive use of the president. This change then restructured the presidency into a dictatorship. Later, when Barack Obama was elected, he made use of this power, the result of which re-defines his position as the first official dictator on American soil.”

SOURCE: Our Government Is Almost Completely Overthrown

The Bible foretold in 2nd Thessalonians 2:9 that Satan would deceive men with lying wonders. Everything that the Bible teaches us about Satan (our enemy) tells us that the Devil is a deceiver, liar, murderer and thief. Those who follow Satan are those who pull on the same rope as the Devil. Anyone who promotes abortion rights, homosexual rights and feminist rights is of the Devil.

And may I say, any politician who supports anti-American agendas after taking a sworn oath of office to defend and uphold American sovereignty is a liar, thief and scoundrel. President Barack Obama (which is not even his real name) broke nearly every campaign promise that he made to the American people to get elected. Mr. Obama is a cruel hoax! Most of our leaders are dirty, rotten lying criminals. And saddest of all are the spiritually sick, arrogant, self-styled, apostate and wicked pastors of churches who support such criminals, hiding behind a convenient perverted interpretation of Romans 13. God help us!!!

“Benedict Arnold was a petty traitor compared to our present traitors in Washington.” Myron Fagan

"I believe we have a deficit of moral courage in the United States Congress. We have many learned individuals who know what is right but have not the courage to stand against the moral corruption that is now attempting to undermine our republic."

—Dr. Tom Coburn, Republican candidate for Oklahoma's Senate seat

"If we stuck to the Constitution as written, we would have: no federal meddling in our schools; no Federal Reserve; no U. S. membership in the U.N.; no gun control; and no foreign aid. We would have no welfare for big corporations, or the "poor"; No American troops in 100 foreign countries; no NAFTA, GATT, or "fast-track"; no arrogant federal judges usurping states rights; no attacks on private property; and no income tax. We can get rid of most of the cabinet departments, most of the agencies, and most of the budget. The government would be small, frugal, and limited." -CONGRESSMAN RON PAUL


Above photo: A popular Iams dog food commercial which appeared on television in early 2013. The woman is apparently a soldier returning on furlough. The commercial is disgusting, clearly suggestive, making it appear that the man-sized dog is having sex with her. I don't have a dirty mind, I have a man's mind, and this picture is highly suggestive of bestiality. Women shouldn't behave like that anyway, it's uncouth and disgusting. Bestiality. END