By David J. Stewart
Modern Communism is part of a Satanic conspiracy, which aims to bring to fruition a Totalitarian Police State, i.e., the Beast system of the Antichrist, aka, the New World Order. This plot was organized back in 1773...
Evidence will be produced to prove that Modern Communism was organized in the year 1773 by a group of International Money-Barons who have used it since, as their manual of action, to further their secret plans to bring about a Totalitarian Godless State. Lenin made this clear in his book Left Wing Communism. On page 53, he said: "Our theory (Communism) is not a dogma (Settled Doctrine); it is a manual of action. Many modern leaders have said and done the same things as Lucifer did during the heavenly revolution. There is no appreciable difference between Red and Black Atheism. The only difference is in the plans used by the opposing leaders to ultimately win undisputed control of the world's resources, and bring into being their ideas for a Totalitarian, Godless Dictatorship.
SOURCE: PAWNS IN THE GAME; chapter one, page 4; by William Guy Carr; 1958.
Today, we informally refer to these International Money-Barons, i.e., Banksters, as the "Illuminati." This includes the Rothschilds and Rockefeller families, and everyone working with them as accomplices to further their New World Order agenda. If you think this is science-fiction, think again! Read what David Rockefeller, chairman of the Council On Foreign Relations, said back in 1994...
"This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long - We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."
—David Rockefeller speaking at the UN, September 14, 1994
Hence, the 911 attacks! Notice that Mr. Rockefeller mentioned the New World Order. Conspiracy theory? I think not!
Evolution: Vehicle of Apostasy! Destination: the New World Order!
In order to achieve such a diabolical plot, Satan needed to remove from men's minds their individualism, love for family, national patriotism, and faith in the God of the Bible. Don't believe it? It was Communist sicko, God-hater, and traitor, George Brock Chisholm, who stated back in 1954...
"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas."
SOURCE: Speech, Conference on Education, Asilomar, California, September 11, 1954
Chisholm had been obsessed for years with the idea that instilling concepts of right and wrong, love of country, and morality in children by their parents is the paramount evil...
The people who have been taught to believe whatever they were told by their parents or their teachers are the people who are the menace to the world.
SOURCE: Speech, Conference on Education, Asilomar, California, September 11, 1954
Thus, Evolution was organized into a religion in the late 19th century to accomplish this evil. In 1859, Darwin published The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, and in 1871, The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. It was also in the 19th century that America witnessed the beginnings of Mormonism, the Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh-Day Adventism, and a host of other false religions, all sharing the common denominator of Freemasonry!
Please read, Religions: The Occult Connection. It is no coincidence that Evolution, numerous false religions, Westcott and Hort's corrupting of the Bible, Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto, Catholicism, and a host of other evils all became major influences upon America in the the late 19th century. Of course, occult Freemason has been the major demonic influence upon America, controlling our federal government since its inception in 1776. These are all Satanic influences, intended to lure mankind into self-made bondage, achieving a Global Police State, and ultimately leading men into Hellfire. Remember, Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4).
Creation Science was the prevailing belief system before the rise of geology in the late 18th Century. The early European scientists, from Galileo, to Copernicus, to Newton, all believed in a literal interpretation of the Bible's account of Creation. Historians have made many estimates for the date of creation, including 3761, 3928, 4004, and 4456 BCE. The most generally accepted date was established by Bishop Ussher: 4004-OCT-22 BCE.
With the rise of the scientific intelligencia, and the woeful apostasy of modern times, the ridiculous THEORIES of the origin of the universe have been used by Satan as a Trojan Horse for many other sins.
Karl Marx, Communism, Nazism, Darwinism, and the Public School System
Communistic, anti-family, anti-God, anti-country, thinking was nothing new
for Chisholm's time. It was Karl Marx in 1848 who called for a public school system in the
10th plank of his Communist
Manifesto! The purpose of a public school system was to enable the occult
powers that be to brainwash children, to further their diabolical
Karl Marx (1818-1883) was a German of Jewish descent. He was expelled from Germany, and afterwards from France, for his revolutionary activities. He was given asylum in England. In 1948 he published the Communist Manifesto. Marx admitted this long range plan , to turn the world into an International of Soviet Socialist Republics, may take centuries to accomplish.
SOURCE: PAWNS IN THE GAME; chapter one, page 4; by William Guy Carr; 1958.
America is largely Communist today and the average person doesn't even realize it. Wake up America!
An undeniable connection exists between Evolution and Communism. With communism the struggle of "race" is replaced by the struggle of "class" as history is viewed as an evolutionary struggle. Both Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were Evolutionists before they encountered Darwin's The Origin of Species (Dec 12, 1859). Engels wrote to Marx...
"Darwin who I am now reading, is splendid" (Morris 1989, 83, quoting Zirkle).
"Marx thought he had discovered the law of development. He saw history in stages, as the Darwinists saw geological strata and successive forms of life... In keeping with the feelings of the age, both Marx and Darwin made struggle the means of development" (Morris 1989, 83, quoting Borzin).
"There was truth in Engel's eulogy on Marx: 'Just as Darwin had discovered the law of evolution in organic nature so Marx discovered the law of evolution in human history' " (Morris 1989, 83, quoting Himmelfarb).
"It is commonplace that Marx felt his own work to be the exact parallel of Darwin's. He even wished to dedicate a portion of Das Kapital to the author of The Origin of Species" (Morris 1989, 83, quoting Barzum).
Indeed, Marx wished to dedicate parts of his famous book to Darwin but...
"Darwin 'declined the honor' because, he wrote to Marx, he did not know the work, he did not believe that direct attacks on religion advanced the cause of free thought, and finally because he did not want to upset 'some members of my family'" (Morris 1989, 83, quoting Jorafsky).
Other Soviet Communist leaders were Evolutionists as well. Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin were all atheistic Evolutionists. A Soviet think tank founded in 1963 developed a one-semester course in "Scientific Atheism," which was introduced in 1964. Interestingly, according to Morris, Stephen Jay Gould of Harvard University, the co-founder of the Punctuated Equilibrium Theory of Evolution, was a Marxist in philosophy.
Karl Marx's real Jewish name was Mordecai Levi, write Das Kapital, a book which began movements which resulted in the deaths of more than 150 million innocent non-Jews. David Bronstein (a Jew who lived 3 years in exile from Russia in New York City), returned to Petrograd with millions of Jewish dollars from Jewish banks to fund the Red Revolution there. Mr. Bronstein's preferred name as a revolutionary, if you do not already know, was Leon Trotsky. In fact, most Jews running communism changed their names to keep their Jewishness hidden from the non-Jewish majority.
Hollywood today has changed the names of hundreds of Jewish actors to conceal that Hollywood is owned by Jews, the rotting moral corpse of America, a total cesspool of iniquity. The elite of Hollywood are some sick-minded people, as evidenced by psychopath, Stanley Kubrick's (Jewish) perverted film, Orange Clockwork (featuring sex orgies and rape). Hollywood is much more homosexual than San Francisco.
Anti-Communism expert, Dr. Fred C. Schwarz, states...
"Atheism is a natural and inseparable portion of Marxism, of the theory and practice of Scientific Socialism."
SOURCE: Dr. Fred C. Schwarz, Why Communism Kills: The Legacy of Karl Marx, a tract published by Christian Anti-Communism Crusade (C.A.A.C.), pp. 4.
The Godless teachings of Evolution were also instrumental in fueling Nazi ideologies. If you hate what Hitler's Nazi Movement did to the Jews, then you should absolutely hate evolution...
War and oppression have always been components of human history, however with the advent of Darwin's theory of evolution man had a new justification for his cruelty. Recall that the prime component of Darwin's ideas revolves around the notion that life progresses by natural selection--the survival of the fittest. Couple this with the racist teachings in the scientific world of his day and you have the rational to pursue any exploitive agenda. "Might makes right," so why not declare yourself the master race and conquer others? The ideas of racial supremacy and the survival of the fittest race reached it's zenith with the National Socialist party of Nazi Germany. The legacy of Haeckel and the Monist league turned many German scientists to monism and atheism. Adolf Hitler himself was an Evolutionist. His book "Mein Kemp" (My Struggle), which sold 11 million copies in 1944, has a strong theme of the necessity of struggle, a struggle between the races...
"The Jews formed a sub-human counter race, predestined by their biological heritage to evil, just as the Nordic race was destined for nobility" ... "History would culminate in a new millennial empire of unparalleled splendor, based on a new racial hierarchy ordained by nature herself". (Morris 1989, 78 - quoting Gann).
One has to ask... would Hitler act the way he did if he were a Creationist?
War and oppression have always been components of human history, however with the advent of Darwin's theory of Evolution man had a new justification for his cruelty. Recall that the prime component of Darwin's ideas revolves around the notion that life progresses by natural selection - the survival of the fittest. Couple this with the racist teachings in the scientific world of his day and you have the rational to pursue any exploitive agenda. "Might makes right", so why not declare yourself the master race and conquer others? The ideas of racial supremacy and the survival of the fittest race reached it's zenith with the National Socialist party of Nazi Germany. The legacy of Haeckel and the Monist league turned many German scientists to monism and atheism. Adolf Hitler himself was a evolutionist. His book "Mein Kemp" (My Struggle), which sold 11 million copies in 1944, has a strong theme of the necessity of struggle, a struggle between the races."The Jews formed a sub-human counter race, predestined by their biological heritage to evil, just as the Nordic race was destined for nobility" ... "History would culminate in a new millennial empire of unparalleled splendor, based on a new racial hierarchy ordained by nature herself". (Morris 1989, 78 - quoting Gann). One has to ask - would Hitler act the way he did if he were a creationist?
teaches that only the strong survive. Hitler said, "The Jews formed a
sub-human counter race, predestined by their biological heritage to evil, just
as the Nordic race was destined for nobility." Is that not the same as
Charles Darwin's theory of
from his 1859 groundbreaking book, The Origin of Species? Yes, it
certainly is! Whether it be Nazism or Communism, BOTH ideologies are
rooted in the atheistic viewpoints of Evolution.
If you think I'm trying to stretch the facts to prove a point, think again. Nazism and Communism were both pioneered by Godless sickos (at opposite ends of the spectrum), having been largely influenced by the atheistic philosophies of wackos like Charles Darwin and Sigmund Freud. Karl Marx is considered by most to be the father of modern day Communism. It was Marx's philosophies, coupled with those of Sigmund Freud, that led to an entirely new school of thought known as "Freudo-Marxism"...
Freudo-Marxism is a loose designation of several twentieth-century critical theory schools of thought that sought to synthesize the philosophy and political economy of Karl Marx with the psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud.
Don't tell me that the teachings of Evolution aren't in the same boat as Communism, Nazism, and Godless heathen psychology. Evolution, Communism, Nazism, and modern psychology all share one common denominator— atheism!!!
One interesting fact about Karl Marx is that he WASN'T an atheist. Marx hated God with a passion! How can you hate someone you don't believe in? Karl Marx, the Jewish founder of modern Communism, said...
"I wish to avenge myself against the One who rules above. We must war against all prevailing ideas of religion, of the state, of country, of patriotism. The idea of God is the keynote of a perverted civilization. It must be destroyed."
SOURCE: Epperson, New World Order, pg. 119
Karl Marx was a God-hater, who declared war against his Creator and vowed to rid society of any mention of God; thus, Darwin's theories of Evolution intrigued Marx, as the weapon of choice to accomplish his diabolical plan.
Who Was Karl Marx?
Heinrich Karl Marx (Moses Mordecai Marx Levy, 1818-83) was born of wealthy parents (his father was a lawyer), and much of his personal life has never been revealed. Professor M. Mtchedlov, Vice-Director of the Marx Institute, said that there were 100 volumes in his collection, but only thirteen have ever been reprinted for the public. When he was six, his family converted to Christianity, and although he was once a believer in God, after attending the Universities of Bonn and Berlin, Marx wrote that he wanted to avenge himself "against the One who rules above." He joined the Satanist Church run by Joana Southcott, who was said to be in contact with the demon Shiloh. His early writings mentioned the name "Oulanem," which was a ritualistic name for Satan. A friend of Marx wrote in 1841, that "Marx calls the Christian religion one of the most immoral of religions." His published attacks against the German government caused him to be ejected from the country. [emphasis added]
He received a Doctorate in Philosophy in 1841, but was turned down for a teaching position, because of his revolutionary activities. In 1843, he studied Economics in Paris, where he learned about French communism. Again he was expelled for revolutionary activities. In 1844, he wrote the book A World Without Jews even though he was Jewish. In 1845, he moved to Brussels, where, with German philosopher, Friedrich Engels (the son of a wealthy textile manufacturer, 1820-95), who he met in Paris in 1844, they reorganized the Communist League.
Engels had joined the 'Young Germany' group (which had been established by Giuseppe Mazzini) in Switzerland in 1835. He later became a 32nd degree Mason (as did Marx). In 1842 he was sent to England to manage the family's mill in Manchester. A journalism student, in 1843 he published a treatise on economics called Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy; and in 1844, wrote a review of Thomas Carlyle's Past and Present, and also a booklet called The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844. It was Engel's philosophy that established the basis for the ideas which were developed by Marx.
In 1848, Marx published his Communist Manifesto (which he was working on from 1830-47), from an Engel's draft (which was an extension of Engel's Confessions of a Communist), which also borrowed heavily from Clinton Roosevelt's book, The Science of Government Founded on Natural Law which echoed the philosophies of Weishaupt. It had been commissioned by the Communist League in London. The League, formerly known as the League of the Just (or the League of Just Men), which was an off-shoot of the Parisian Outlaws League (which evolved from the Jacobin movement), was founded by Illuminati members who fled from Germany. The League was made up of rich and powerful men from different countries that were behind much of the turmoil that engulfed Europe in 1848. Many researchers consider them either a finger organization of the Illuminati, or an inner circle. Originally introduced as the Manifesto of the Communist Party in London, on February 1, 1848, the name was changed to the Communist Manifesto, and the name of Karl Marx was added as its author twenty years later, after a series of small revolutions failed.
Marx wrote in 1848: "The coming world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but entire reactionary peoples, to disappear from the face of the earth." Friedrich Engels, that same year, wrote: "The next world war will make whole reactionary peoples disappear from the face of the earth."
The Manifesto was described by Marxians as "The Charter of Freedom of the Workers of the World," and it was the platform of the Communist League. It advocated the abolition of property in land, and the application of all land rent to public purposes; a heavy progressive or graduated income tax; abolition of all rights of inheritance; the confiscation of all the property of immigrants and rebels; centralization of credit in the hands of the State with a national bank; centralization and State control of all communication and transportation; expansion of factories to cultivate waste lands, and create industrial armies, especially for agriculture; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country to have a more equitable distribution of the population over the country; the elimination of child factory labor and free education for all children in public schools.
This revolutionary plan for socialism, which included the abolition of all religion, was reminiscent of the doctrines of Weishaupt. It was basically a program for establishing a 'perfect' state, and it called for the workers (proletariat) to revolt and overthrow capitalism (the private ownership of industry), and for the government to own all property. Marx, felt, that by controlling all production, the ruling power could politically control a country. After the communist regime would take over, the dictatorship would gradually "wither away" and the result would be a non-government. The final stage of communism is when the goods are distributed on the basis of need. Leonid Brezhnev, when celebrating the 50th anniversary of the U.S.S.R., said: "Now the Soviet Union is marching onward. The Soviet Union is moving towards communism."...Even though Marx publicly urged the working class to overthrow the capitalists (the wealthy who profited from the Stock Exchange), in June, 1864, "in a letter to his uncle, Leon Phillips, Marx announced that he had made 400 pounds on the Stock Exchange." It is obvious that Marx didn't practice what he preached, and therefore didn't really believe in the movement he was giving birth to. He was an employee, doing a job for his Illuminati bosses.
Nathan Rothschild had given Marx two checks for several thousand pounds to finance the cause of Socialism. The checks were put on display in the British Museum, after Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild, a trustee, had willed his museum and library to them.
In 1867, Marx wrote the first volume of Das Kapital, which became known as the "Bible of the Working Class." Marx felt, that as the workers achieved various reforms, there would be a possibility for the peaceful evolution towards socialism. A little known fact, is that Marx' beliefs were gleaned from the writings of Weishaupt, Babeuf, Blanc, Cabet, Owen, Ogilvie, Hodgkin, Gray, Robert Thompson, William Carpenter, and Clinton Roosevelt; which he discovered from his hours of research in the Reading Room of the British Museum. The second volume appeared after Marx' death, edited by Engels from Marx' notes, in 1885; and volume three appeared in 1894.
When Marx died in March 14, 1883, only six people attended his funeral. He never supported his family, which had produced six children. Three of them died of starvation in infancy and two others committed suicide. Actually, Engels suppored Marx with income from his father's cotton mills in England. Marx was buried in London, at Highgate Cemetery. SOURCE: Silence is Betrayal: Who was Karl Marx?
As you just read, Marx was a Satanist who worked
for the evil powers behind world government, aka, the New World Order. Karl Marx
hated God and denied Jesus Christ. Nathan Rothschild paid off Marx, not
surprisingly. Again we are reminded of the age old Biblical truth from 1st
Timothy 6:10 that says, “For the love of money is the root of all evil.”
Evolution Teaches That Humans are Animals, So Bestiality is Ok!
Do you think I'm kidding? On December 31, 2011 President Barack Obama signed the National Defence Authorization Act (NDAA) bill into law, establishing martial law in America. The new law grants Homeland Security the unconstitutional fascist power to impose INDEFINITE DETENTION on American citizens. The NDAA law also now permits U.S. soldiers in the military to have sex with animals, and to commit acts of homosexuality without being discipled by the military.
Texas Senators Vote to Legalize Sex with Animals in National Defense Authorization Act
By David Bellow | December 5, 2011
The National Defense Authorization Act will allow the President to use the military to detain Americans on American soil without a trial. I am completely in support of detaining terrorists that we have caught on the battlefield, but detaining Americans on American soil with no trial is just outrageous!
That is not the only outrageous part of the NDAA. The NDAA also now legalizes bestiality!
Members of the military are pawns of political experiments. Instead of focusing on being a well oiled fighting machine without political distractions, the military has to wade through political experiments hurled their way. Soldiers are told to be completely uniform with no distractions. When politicians want to push an agenda they make soldiers on the battlefield the test subjects. The repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is an example. It was commonly understood that the repeal was a way to open the door to pushing other social experiments on soldiers when politicians know they cannot push these things on the general population. You see, soldiers are looked down upon if they complain. Soldiers are taught to follow orders. So where regular Americans would not allow something to happen, soldiers just have to accept it.
The United States Senate (including most Republicans and both Texas Republican Senators) has just passed a bill (the National Defense Authorization Act) which strips away the military ban on Sodomy and Bestiality, according to CNS News.
The National Defense Authorization Act includes a provision to repeal Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).
Article 125 of the UCMJ makes it illegal to engage in both sodomy with humans and sex with animals.
It states: "(a) Any person subject to this chapter who engages in unnatural carnal copulation with another person of the same or opposite sex or with an animal is guilty of sodomy. Penetration, however slight, is sufficient to complete the offense. (b) Any person found guilty of sodomy shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.”
Wow, sex with animals now in the Military.
It is imperative for America to stand up for the Christian, Moral foundation of America. As we get away from the principles that America was founded on, the foundation of America begins to erode and America will see more problems. I was very happy to see Presidential hopeful Rick Perry attend a prayer rally, the Response, in Houston earlier this year. Historical Documents show that the Founding Fathers of America would have approved and likely attended this Prayer Rally. I sure hope the next President can stop using the military as pawns in their political agenda.
SOURCE: Texas Senators Vote to Legalize Sex with Animals in National Defense Authorization Act
Evolution degrades humanity to the level of animals. If people are animals, then sex with animals must be ok, right? Wrong! The Bible in Leviticus 20:13 prohibits the sins of homosexuality (sodomy) and Leviticus 20:15-16 prohibits the sin of having sex with animals (bestiality)! It is a matter of fearing and obeying God. Most people don't fear God (Romans 3:18). Ecclesiastes 12:14, “For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.”
Did a Massive
Asteroid Impact Create the Moon?
Here is an excellent quote from Pastor J. Vernon McGee concerning the matter of Evolution...
Humanity has a tremendous capacity. Man is fearfully and wonderfully made—that is a great truth we have lost sight of. This idea that man has come up from some protoplasm out of a garbage can or seaweed is utterly preposterous. It is the belief of some scientists that evolution will be repudiated, and some folk are going to look ridiculous at that time.
Evolution is nothing in the world but a theory as far as science is concerned. Nothing has been conclusive about it. It is a philosophy like any other philosophy, and it can be accepted or rejected. When it is accepted, it certainly leads to some very crazy solutions to the problems of the world, and it has gotten my country into trouble throughout the world. Anyone would think that we are the white knight riding through the world straightening out wrongs. We are wrong on the inside ourselves! I do not know why in this country today we have an intelligentsia in our colleges, our government, our news media, and our military who think they are super, that somehow or another they have arrived. It is the delusion of the hour that men think that they are greater than they really are. Man is suffering from a fall, an awful fall. He is totally depraved today, and until that is taken into consideration, we are in trouble all the way along.
SOURCE: McGee, J. Vernon, Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee, Genesis 6:4 (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 2000, c1981.
Dr. McGee is 100% correct! Truly, it takes more faith to believe in the theory of evolution, than it does to believe in a divine Creator. 2nd Peter 3:5 states, "For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water."
The New World Order exists, and has been coming to fruition for the past couple centuries. Satan has used the ideologies of Darwinism and heathen psychology to fuel the Godless monstrosities of Communism and Nazism. The modern public school system was born out of atheistic, communistic, and evolutionistic philosophies, all intended to bring to fruition a Global Totalitarian Godless Police State, aka, the New World Order. Evolution is truly Devilution!
It robs men's souls of their faith in God, and inspires men to commit sin in an amoral society which excludes God. Evolution is nothing more than fabricated LIES, cleverly designed to blind the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them (2nd Corinthians 4:4).
Communism is of the Devil. Communism is not an ideology; but rather, a secret weapon of THE ILLUMINATI intended to enslaved the human race. It was Karl Marx himself, unquestionably the father of modern Communism, who said:
"My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism." —Karl Marx
It was Whittaker Chambers, a former Communist and Soviet spy, who said:
"The Communist vision is the vision of man without God. It is the vision of man's mind displacing God as the creative intelligence of the world."
Dethrone God? Man without God? Can a person dethrone God? Absolutely not! The very essence of Communist philosophy is the absence of God. That's why public school teach the lie of Evolution!
America is Largely Communist Today
The Communist Subversion of America!
Every Man Did That Which Was Right in His Own Eyes