Goth is a deplorable type of heathen culture that glorifies everything that
is vile and unholy. The dictionary defines “Goth” as: A crude uncouth
ill-bred person lacking culture or refinement. This pretty much sums
up the Goth culture today. I didn't invent that definition, it's in the
dictionary. Goth glorifies things that are sick, nasty,
improper, freakish, and downright demonic. Goth is NOT just the music. In fact, not all Goths listen to Goth music...
The Goth subculture is a contemporary subculture
found in many countries. It began in the United Kingdom
during the early 1980s in the
gothic rock
scene, an offshoot
of the
genre. The Goth
subculture has survived much longer than others of the
same era, and has continued to diversify. Its imagery
and cultural proclivities indicate influences from
nineteenth century
Gothic literature
along with
horror movies and -according to César Fuentes Rodríguez
and Carol Siegel- to a lesser extent, the
The Goth subculture has associated tastes in music and
fashion, whether or not all individuals who share those
tastes are in fact members of the Goth subculture.
Gothic music encompasses a number of different styles.
Common to all is a tendency towards a lugubrious,
mystical sound and outlook. Styles of dress within the
subculture range from
rock, punk, androgynous, medieval, some Renaissance and
clothes, or combinations of the above, most often with
black attire, makeup and hair.
Goth subculture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The term “Goth” refers to
all categories of Gothics, from Emo 'Goths' to black metal 'Goths' to vampire
'Goths; from thrasher 'Goths' to punk 'Goths' to industrial 'Goths.' "Goth" is just a word the media uses to group a certain type of people
together. The Goth culture includes Emos/ punks/ Wiccan
witches/ self-abusers/ thrashers/ grungers/ heavy metallers, et cetera. This
includes the Marilyn Manson, AC/DC, Smashing Pumpkins, Van Halen and Ozzy
Osbourne crowd as well.
Notice from the preceding
Wikipedia information that Goth is often associated with sexual bondage,
domination, sadism and masochism (BDSM). Nothing good ever comes from Goth!
Even more creepy is that teen girls in particular gravitate toward Goth,
because in Goth, witchcraft and satanism, no one is turned away. Teens that
have difficulties fitting in and being accepted often find comfort in
associating with outcast groups, such as Goth. That's what Goth is really
about about, that is, a club for social rejects. I do not say that to be
unkind or judgmental; but rather, to be honest. Teens who dress in Goth
clothing seek attention, and they get it! Seeing youth dressed in Goth
definitely causes people to turn their head twice... “What in the world?,”
they say. Goth look like something the cat dragged in off the street.
Marilyn Manson (real name:
Brian Warner) is as demonic as
you can get, cutting himself on stage, ripping up Bibles, piercing his chest
nipples on stage, calling Christians derogatory
names, blaspheming God and spewing hatred against everything decent and holy!
album cover, band members are drinking Manson's urine through straws
attached to his crotch. Manson is the most revered name in Goth music and
amongst the Goth culture.

Inside of
Manson's AntiChrist Superstar CD, this sickening photo
shows Manson urinating through tubes while his band
members drink his urine.
Goth influences teenage girls to become whores, depresses kids to the point of
cutting themselves, and turns otherwise normal kids into Columbine shooters. The Goth culture is obsessed with death and the darker side of life, which is
clearly evidenced in Goth music. Goth is of the Devil. I do not say this
to be unkind. God loves everyone, including Goth. God loves the down and
out. But God hates evil, and commands Christians to hate evil as well
(Psalms 97:10). Goth is evil. If you are into Goth, God loves you! Jesus
Christ paid your debt of sin, and mine! My goal is not to upset or hurt
anyone's feelings; but rather, to take a Biblical stand against every form
of evil. Black lip stick, tattoos, pierced body parts, gothic clothing,
freakish behavior—these are all worldly amusements.
There is a theme running through all these different types of Gothic groups,
and a common fashion and dress that all tribes of Goth wear. The clothing is
usually dark and sinister looking, sometimes called the “gothic uniform.” Goth women often wear black lipstick and
paint their eyes so dark with mascara that they look like blood-sucking vampires. Goths are
obsessed with death and despair, with terror and violence, and many Goths use drugs
(both prescription and illegal) as a part of their dark lifestyle. Some abuse their
children, perform satanic rituals, scar their bodies and drink human blood.
Look at the female (I think it's a female) to the left in the picture below
with the upside-down cross on her head.
Goth is synonymous with blasphemy
against God.
Here's a link to a website selling a Gothic necklace featuring Baphomet,
Satan. Goth is synonymous with skulls, death and satanism. As with Wiccans
witches who deceitfully claim that they're practicing “white witchcraft”
that is acceptable and good; so also do adherents of the Goth death
subculture deceitfully claim it is innocent, good and non-violent in nature.
Look at the photo below and then honestly tell me that Goth is innocent and
good for the human soul...

Left: Notice the
El Diablo satanic hand-sign, used by
elite & street criminals alike.
Goths would have us believe that the
Columbine Massacre in Colorado was just an isolated incident; however, here are some
alarming statistics:
NORWAY - Vocalist of Mayhem commits suicide. The guitarist Euronymous, upon
finding him, takes pictures of his bloody corpse for their album cover, and
collects pieces of his skull to make necklaces out of.
NORWAY - Church burnings and murders by Nazi Goths in Norway following
Euronymous, lead guitarist of gothic black metal band Mayhem calling on fans
to be terrorists for their anti-Christian cause.
NORWAY - Bart Faust, bassist of Goth
band Emperor, murders a homosexual.
USA - satanic murders of three innocent little children by Goth monster Damian
Echols in West Memphis, Arkansas.
NORWAY - Euronymous murdered by Goth
'friend' Varg Vikernes, guitarist of Goth band Emperor.
SWEDEN - Jon Nodtveidt, singer of Goth black metal band Dissection murders
USA - Murder of 15 year old Elyse Pahler by Satanist Goth teens Royce Casey,
Joseph Fiorella, and Jacob Delashmutt who idolized metal band Slayer and had
conspired to kill a virgin girl as a sacrifice to Satan.
Goth Brian Bassett shoots and kills
his parents before drowning his 5 year old brother, then proceeds to kick
their corpses to the music of silver chair.
USA - The infamous Vampire Clan Murders.
Goth Satanist Luke Woodham brutally beats and stabs mother to death before
going into school and killing 2 and injuring 7.
Kimberly Wilson, age 20, her
17-year-old sister, Julia, and their parents, William and Rose Wilson brutally
murdered by sick Goths Alex Baranyi and his best friend, David Anderson, both
ITALY - Beasts of Satan cult, Goths into heavy metal, murder 2 teenagers.
USA - 15 dead in the Columbine High school massacre, carried out on the
anniversary of Hitler’s birthday by two Nazi obsessed Goths.
USA - World Trade Centre destroyed by plans drawn up 2 year previously by
Dylan Klebold, one of the terrorists from Columbine.
GERMANY - Three Goth teenagers ages
14, 17 and 18 committed suicide after forming an online satanic death sect in
an internet chat room.
GERMANY - Bride of Satan satanic murder case.
UK - Vampire teenager slaughters frail old woman and drinks her blood.
UK - Alan Menzies also murders man
after becoming obsessed with sickening Vampire film 'queen of the damned', He
claims the queen of the damned ordered him to do it.
UK - Goth Jodi Jones aged 14 brutally murdered by her evil Marilyn Manson
obsessed Gothic boyfriend.
Two self-styled vampires jailed for
conducting a campaign of religious harassment against a vicar and his family.
Scott Bower and Benjamin Lewis were found guilty of waging the three-month
campaign against the Reverend Christopher Rowberry, his wife Karen and
children Hannah, 15, and Simon, 17.
USA - Lely high school students caught planning copycat Columbine.
Teen Rachelle Waterman from Craig, Alaska masterminds murder of her own
mother. She roped two former boyfriends into doing the deed. Her mother Lori
ended up bludgeoned to death and her body burned out in the Alaskan
Beasts of Satan cult finally stand trial for their evil crimes.
USA - Orlando, Florida, a Goth named Christopher Dunsmoor killed his fiancée, Fawn
Trivette. Dunsmoor nearly beheaded Fawn, using a samurai sword.
USA - 105 Year old Minnesota United
Church burned to the ground in a hate crime against Christianity by three sick
Goth teens on the birthday of Varg Vikernes, a black metal musician now
serving time in prison in Norway for murdering a band mate and burning several
churches. Vikernes has inspired dozens of copycat church burnings around the
USA - Goth Ben W. Fawley, age 38, told Richmond, Virginia police that he
killed Virginia Commonwealth University freshman, Taylor Behl, age 17 while
having "rough sex." Though 38, Fawley looked 17 and made it a point to dress
like a 17 or 18-year-old Goth kid.
USA - Ten killed in Red Lake High School massacre by Goth Nazi Jeffrey Weise.
Goth David Rodriguez, 18, and a companion abducts 2 children in order to
perform satanic ritual, allegedly to get his girlfriend back. Erika Castillo,
6, and her older brother, Oscar, were snatched outside a Little Village
library on Friday. Rodriguez planned to carve a pentagram in the girl's chest.
USA - California, Goth Scott Dyleski, age 16, arrested for the brutal
bludgeoning murder of Pamela Vitale, age 52. Vitale was the wife of well-known
defense attorney and legal analyst for various cable news outlets, Daniel
These are but a few of thousands of
recorded mainstream news events involving Goth killers. To say that
the Goth subculture isn't dangerous
is to be very ignorant indeed. Goth is of the Devil. Convincing the world
that the Devil doesn't exist is man's greatest weakness, and Satan's greatest
strength. Parents must discourage their teens from becoming involved in the
Gothic subculture of death, rebellion, blackness of heart, heavy-metal and
suicide. Don't send your kids to church... TAKE THEM!
Dangers Of The Satanic Music
Over 30
years ago a woman named Dorothy Retallack conducted experiments using music,
plants and their combined environment. The results became, and still to this
day, remain famous.
Taking two identical sets of plants
in two separated but identical rooms, she exposed them to music. The first set
of plants were played quiet placid subdued devotional "religious" classical
music, while the other set were subjected to loud aggressive rock music played
at full deafening volume 24 hours a day.
The plants exposed to rock grew away
from the music source, withered and died, while the plants that were played
religious music grew towards the music source and thrived.
The lesson? If rock music attacks
and kills plants, what does it do to people? I think it's rather obvious - it
does the exact same thing! Rock music attacks the nervous system,
affecting one's emotional state. Is it any wonder why Americans, now
more than ever before, are blowing-up in anger, flying off the handle,
committing suicide, and losing their minds?
Goth is particularly dangerous
because the lyrics to the music often glamorize killing, brutality, sadism,
masochism, pedophilia, torture, freakism and all sorts of heathendom. The music is often characterized by relentless yelling and screaming,
freakish embellishments of the voice, evil sounding backgrounds, etc. There just a bunch of sickos. Magician,
Criss Angel, has made millions of dollars with his “Mind Freak” series,
and he definitely fits in well with the Goth freak culture.
One of the most Godless, reprobate
and demonic bands ever formed is “TWIZTID,”
started in 1997. Here's some of the satanic lyrics from their twisted song,
“KILLING SEASON,” from their 2009 album, “W.I.C.K.E.D.” (Wish I
Could Kill Every Day)...
On the last
hunt for the youth and the runaways
Killed his blood relatives and then murdered his first grades
Long gone, any moments when the heart is suppose to beat
And there's no one home behind the walls of vacancy of his mind
No matter what they do to me, no matter what they say
I can't do right, I always go the other way
They can't reach me, I refuse to reason
I am lost in my wicked mind and it's killing season
On March 17, 2009, Twiztid
released its seventh studio album, W.I.C.K.E.D. (Wish I Could Kill Every
Day). W.I.C.K.E.D was Twiztid's highest charting album, peaking at #11 on
the Billboard 200, #4 on the Top Rap Albums chart, and #1 on the Top
Independent Albums chart.[1]
How could anyone even attempt to defend the Gothic subculture which
glorifies death, rape, evil and murderous rampage?
Rap and Hip Hop genres often
cross-over into Goth, which feature sick-minded bands such as
POSSE, and A NEW NIGHTMARE. Insane Clown Posse is a
satanic, hardcore, Hip Hop group who sings (if you dare call it that) a
psychopathic form of noise called HORRORCORE! The band was sued in 2011 for
$2,000,000 by a Goth industry agency over the group's use of the theme from
the gory horror film HALLOWEEN, starring Michael Myers, a crazed, psychotic
mass-murderer who kills nearly everyone in the movie.
Clown Posse sued for $2 million by gothic music agency
Rappers have
allegedly failed to pay for some spooky samples
rappers Insane Clown Posse are being sued for over $2 million (£1.3 million)
by a gothic music agency.
The agency, which is called Entity Productions, are claiming that the
rappers sampled copyrighted Halloween-themed music on seven tracks without
permission from their owners The Midnight Syndicate and want $2.1 million in
damages as a result.
The lawsuit was filed on Monday (October 31) in Ohio and is likely to be
heard after Christmas, reports
Insane Clown Posse, who consist of rappers Shaggy 2 Dope and Violent J, made
headlines earlier this week when their fans, who are known as Juggalos, were
officially classified as a criminal gang by the FBI.
The FBI 2011's National Gang Threat Assessment Report [NGTAR] has labeled
Juggalos as a "concern to law enforcement" after becoming alarmed by their
"general destructive and violent nature".
A report published by the NGTAR says: "Most crimes committed by Juggalos are
sporadic, disorganised, individualistic and often involve a simple assault,
personal drug use and possession, petty theft, and vandalism. However, open
source reporting suggests that a small
Insane Clown Posse sued for $2 million by gothic music agency
So the next time someone downplays
the threat, evil and destructive nature of the Goth culture, remind them
the FBI considers fans of Insane Clown Posse A CRIMINAL THREAT!!! And as
you just read, the FBI's 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment Report
(NGTAR) has labeled their fans (collectively known as
JUGGALOS) as a criminal
The FBI 2011's
National Gang Threat Assessment Report [NGTAR] has labeled Juggalos as a
"concern to law enforcement" after becoming alarmed by their "general
destructive and violent nature".
“Juggalos” refer to anyone who is
a fan of the production company “Psychopathic
Records,” also known as “The Hatchet Family,” who are an American
independent record label based in Farmington Hills, Michigan that
specializes in hip hop music. The company should be held accountable in
court for all the violent crimes committed by youth who are influenced by
their sick style of indoctrination. They use music to glorify and encourage
Friday The 13th, Psycho and Texas Chainsaw Massacre style
killings. Goth is synonymous with horror films, Halloween, costumes,
vampires, black leather and the
satanic hand-sign.
whole idea behind "Gothic" rock web sites and blogs is to suck young people
into a kinky and somewhat depraved world where things dark or of a forbidden
nature are bandied about and both sexes will wear black lipstick and black
finger nail polish. Occult symbols are commonly posted at these web sites.
The average American has no idea how deeply satanism has infiltrated and
permeated every strata of American society. Many high level politicians,
world leaders, Hollywood entertainers, heavy metal rock stars, upper level
military people, police chiefs, judges, doctors, lawyers, dentists,
evangelical preachers, etc, etc.. You name a profession, and there are
signifigant numbers of satanists within their ranks.
on the Satanic Hand Sign (August 28, 2007)
Why, oh why, would anyone want to
inspire America's youth to commit senseless acts of killing, murdering their
family in cold blood and carrying out Sandy Hook and Columbine style
mass-killings. What in the world is wrong with our government and law
enforcement in the United States? How can anyone dare claim that liberty and
freedom gives someone the right to influence our youth to rape, pillage and
murder on a serial killer rampage? Goth has become an industry! Liberty is
the freedom to make choices, but freedom is a reward for making the right
Despite never making a single
video and having no air time on radio, the Gothic band
TWIZTID has sold over 1,000,000 albums promoting senseless
violence, hatred and killing. Only a total fool would dare claim that such
demonic music doesn't have some degree of influence over violent crimes in
culture and society amongst our youth. Goth music attracts psychopaths!
Facebook features numerous gory Goth webpages, which I won't even link to,
showing people being butchered. One photo on Facebook shows someone driving
a lawnmower with a corpse wrapped in a white sheet, being dragged by a rope.
Criss Angel's theme song is
characterized by his own voice screaming “mind freak” repeatedly at the top
of his lungs. This is Satanic. We read in the Bible in Philippians 2:5, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in
Christ Jesus.” God doesn't want us to walk around singing “mind freak” (which a person cannot help but hear repeatedly in their memory after
watching one of Criss Angel's shows). Satan is the freak of freaks. Jesus called Satan the father of all liars (John 8:44).
Goth is a Destructive
Influence On Our Youth
A mother who
looks and dresses like a sick circus freak, who harms herself in front
of her children, who is obsessed with death and suicide, who holds
BDSM (i.e., Bondage, Domination, Sadism, and Masochism) parties that consist of bondage and rape, is hardly a
fitting role model for children. That is why Christians ought to be
taking a stand against this heinous evil in society.
Goth is often
associated with sexual immorality and pedophilia. And now we are
finding websites that sell gothic clothing for children as young as
kindergarten age, so that their sick gothic parents can dress
their kids as Halloween freaks just like themselves.
websites are even selling 'bondage' clothing for babies! For babies? Don't you find that wrong
and sick? Not just from a Christian point of view, but just plain
ole common sense. No wonder children are so messed up nowadays,
because their parents are freaks.
It is not difficult to let Lucifer into your home (1st Peter 5:8). The
Apostle Paul prophesied in 2nd Timothy 3:6 of the future time when lustful
men would creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with
sins, led away with divers lust. From the witchcraft of Sabrina,
to the lewdness of Hugh Hefner; from the whores of Desperate Housewives,
to the demonic New Age indoctrination of Oprah Winfrey; from the
homosexuality of The Ellen DeGeneres (Degenerate) Show, to the
lasciviousness of nearly every prime time TV program―Americans have opened
the door wide for Satan to creep right into our homes.
In fact, Satan
doesn't even need to creep his way into our homes anymore, because the
average American willingly INVITES Satan into their home through the
DEVILVISION! Most people don't care what they watch anymore. The
TV does the exact OPPOSITE of what the Word of God does. Television
DESENSITIZES people to sin; whereas the Word of God SENSITIZES us to sin...
that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful (Romans
Goth in itself is a form of mental illness, a sickness of the soul, mainly
affecting teenagers in the same way as schizophrenia would, although to a
greater extent. There's something abnormal about a person who wants to
cover their body in permanent tattoo markings, pierce their body in dozens
of places, have ball-bearing receptacles surgically implanted into their
skull, and deliberately behave offensively as a statement of social
rebellion. Satan is a thief Jesus said, who comes for no other purpose than
to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). Goth's symptoms range from isolation and negativity
to aggression and hate for humanity, depression, violent outbursts, low self
esteem, self-loathing, self-harming and suicide.

Photo to Right: Album cover for one of the top Goth bands, "The Cult." Ram and goat horns are extremely popular amongst Satanists. Paul McCartney even produced an album
in 1971 titled, "RAM," to show his allegiance to Satan. Check out the
Rolling Stones' 1973 album, "Goat's
Head Soup."
I could publish an entire website just
addressing the demonism which saturates the Goth movement. The Goth culture is the consequence of a nation that has turned its back
on God. Rock n' Roll was seemingly innocent back in the 1950s (but it
wasn't). Then in the 1960s we saw the British Invasion, bringing with
it the Rolling Stones, the Beatles, and other heathen bands.
Many Goths turn to a
life of crime to feed their addiction to drugs, sadism,
violence and perversion. Ironically, Goths claim that they are the
victims of violence and crimes. As the old saying goes, if you go looking for
trouble you'll find it! I am against all forms of abuse. I do not encourage
hatred or violence against gays, abortionists, Goths or anybody. The Bible
teaches for Christians to be as wise, but harmless. Matthew 10:16, “Behold,
I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as
serpents, and harmless as doves.” Born-again, God-fearing,
Bible-believing, sin-hating, people-loving, Christians ought to express God's
unconditional love for all sinners, no matter how wayward from God. Albeit,
love means speaking the truth, and not remaining silent because you might
offend or hurt somebody's feelings. Ephesians 4:15, “But speaking the truth
in love...”
Insane Clown Posse... Evangelical Christians?
Our world has gone insane. The satanic Insane
Clown Posse band has actually claimed publicly to be evangelical Christians,
and some idiotic websites have even bought into the lie.
Christianity Today has an article about the issue. When I got saved at age
13, my life began to change. Although a sinner doesn't have to commit to
making any lifestyle changes to be born-again, because eternal life is the
gift of God to those who trust upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ; 1st
John 3:8 plainly teaches that whosoever committeth sin is of the Devil. 1st
John 3:8, “He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil
sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested,
that he might destroy the works of the devil.” That means if you say
you're a Christian in words, but your works deny your words, something is very
Being a born-again Christian doesn't mean that
we'll never sin again, it means that Christ now lives in us and we have the
new nature, which is Christ. 2nd Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore if any man
be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all
things are become new.” When a true Christian sins, the Holy Spirit
convicts us that we are in the wrong and need to get right with God; but the
unsaved wicked don't even try to live right, they relish and boast in their
sins. Proverbs 24:16, “For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up
again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.” That means that a
Christian, no matter how hard they try to walk upright, will still stumble;
but the unsaved wicked have no desire to walk upright, because they do not
have Christ's Spirit living in them (Romans 8:9). Brian Welch of Korn, Dave
Mustaine of Megadeth and Insane Clown Posse all profess to be Christians;
but their works deny their profession 100%!!!
God sees the heart, but man can only see the
outward appearance (1st Samuel 16:7). With God men are justified by faith,
which is the ONLY way a person can be justified with God; but with mankind
we are all justified by works, because man cannot see our heart.
This is what
the Bible means in James 2:18, “Yea, a man may say, Thou hast
faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will
shew thee my faith by my works.” What works of righteousness does
Insane Clown Posse have to backup their claim of faith in the righteous,
good and holy Lord God, Jesus Christ? Don't misunderstand, I am not
saying that good works save a person; but rather, our works shew forth who
our father us. John 8:44 teaches that the Devil is a liar and murderer, and
the FATHER of all liars and murderers. Who's your spiritual father? You
won't decide in the future which side you're on; but rather, you're already
on a side, the big question is whose side... God's or Satan's?
The Bible says in 1st John 3:8 that “the Devil
sinneth from the beginning,” and so the children of the Devil also live a
lifestyle of sin. Can a person become saved (born-again) and continue in a
lifestyle of sin? Yes, but the Bible teaches that a genuine Christian has
repented in
their mind, which means they have a different attitude toward their sins
now. Show me someone who rejoices that they can be saved and continue living
in sin, and I know they're not saved. Something is wrong with a person's
testimony who rejoices to be a gay lesbian
Christian. Christians may and often do choose to live in sin, but they
don't blaspheme their Lord Jesus Christ by bragging, relishing and defending
their wickedness.
Eternal life is a free gift from God (Romans
6:23), which we simply receive by faith in Christ to have (Ephesians 2:8-9).
To be saved there are NO strings attached, no requirements, no prerequisites
and no mandatory intent to change one's life. But the Bible teaches that the
Holy Spirit comes to live inside the body of every believer (1st Corinthians
3:16-17), which means that our attitude toward sin has changed. Something is
very wrong with rocker Dave Mustaine's profession of faith, who says he got
saved 10 years ago, but recently produced a heavy-metal occult album titled
Th1rt1en, and fans flash “I
Love Satan” hand signs at his concerts.
Satan's Bid For Every Teenager
To say that Goth is not about a
culture of crime, death and violence is like saying that dirty magazines in
not about sex. In fact, that's exactly what sex-pervert Hugh Heffner claims
about his empire of smut, PLAYBOY!
to the shocking admission of Rock 'N' Roll singing legend, David Crosby of
Crosby, Stills And Nash...
“I figured the only thing
to do was to swipe their kids... By saying that, I'm not talking about
kidnapping, I'm just talking about changing their value systems, which
removes them from their parent's world very effectively.”
—Ben Fong-Torres, “David
Crosby,” Rolling Stone Interviews, pg. 410
As Crosby states, music is the
Devil's way of changing the value
system of today's youth, intended to accomplish what first leader of the
United Nation's World Health Organization (WHO) and sicko,
Gregory Chisholm Brock stated to a
group of liberals in 1954...
“To achieve
world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their
individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and
religious dogmas.” —George
Brock Chisholm, in a
Speech given at the, Conference on
Education, Asilomar, California, September 11, 1954
Television is infatuated nowadays
with vampires, witchcraft and zombies, all related to Goth. It is
sin-centered music (if you dare call it music). Goth is a degenerate form of
subculture that brings with it hate, loneliness, heartache and woe.
If you are a parent, please steer your teens away from this perverted
culture of death and depression. If your daughter comes home from school one
day with dark mascara around her eyes, and wearing black clothing, she's
being influenced by the wrong crowd at school. The best thing you can do is
to enroll your teenager into a private school,
preferably a Christian school. A child does not stand a chance of
turning out for God in a hellish public school system that
bans the Bible,
teaches homosexual sex and
invites the Devil.
I believe in tough love, and so
did the Lord when he constantly ripped, scathed and preached against the
self-righteous Pharisees. It will be a cold day in Hell before any child of mine is going
to tell me what, where, when or how they're going to run their life while
eating my food and living under my roof. If they want to do their own
thing, then when then pay their own bills they can; but until then dad makes
the rules! Teenagers these days walk all over their parents, totally
disrespecting them. You'd be surprised how many parents are literally afraid
of being hit and rebuked by their children. As long as I'm paying their bills and they reside under my roof, then I
make the rules! That's being a GOOD PARENT. If you train your
children while they're still young, there is no guarantee that they'll live
upright for God as an adult. All we can do is raise our children the best we
can, pray a lot and always be there for them when they need us. But never
cater to their rebellion. I am amazed when I hear
teenagers cursing their parents.
I listened to a life-changing
sermon today by Evangelist Lester Roloff titled “UNREASONABLE,”
where he talks about a mother whose 16-year-old son was sentenced to
35-years in prison for killing a police officer. The mother recalls the time
that her son pleaded with her and the father to go with him to church, but
they wouldn't. When the son got into trouble with the law, the parents hired
one lawyer-after-another, defending him, getting him out of trouble. The
mother later in hindsight wished that they had left the boy in prison, so he
could learn from his mistakes. The point being, one of the fastest ways to
destroy your child is to cater to them, deny them nothing, spoil them rotten
and park them in front of the television for 4-hours a day for 18-years. I hate that commercial which says, "It's 10 o'clock, do you know where your
child is at?" That's a lot of bologna! You had better know where
your child is at AT ALL TIMES!!!
An Average
American Child Will See 200,000 Violent Acts And 16,000 Murders On TV By Age
18. Goth is a horrible satanic influence upon today's youth. Satan has a
bid for every teenager! You can resist the Holy Spirit and strive with your
Maker, but you cannot escape eternal judgment my friend. Isaiah 45:9,
“Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the
potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What
makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands?”
Illegal drug abuse flourished in the 1960s, fornication became epidemic, and
a nation decided that the Bible was incompatible with their new amorality. So in 1962 the Bible was banned from the Public School System. The
1970s naturally led to the passing of legalized abortion laws, to address
the epidemic fornication problem (and all the unwanted babies). The
1970s began with the introduction of Satanism and occult imagery into much
of the Rock music. The
Church of Satan was founded on 06/06/66
by Anton LaVey, whose picture appears inside the Eagles' Hotel
California album cover.
deliberately crosses all the lines of proper dress, manners, refinement and
decency. Goth picks up where Rock 'n' Roll leaves off, offering a
course in advanced rebellion, sexual immorality, and Satan worship. The Goth crowd is truly living at the bottom of the barrel of life, right
where Satan wants them. Wiccan witches are naturally attracted to
Goth, because they are Luciferians themselves, who worship
hundreds of pagan deities; but vehemently deny the Lord Jesus Christ.
Do not allow your children mom and
dad to associate with Goths. I am a stickler for knowing exactly who
my children are hanging around. I don't want my children associating
with homosexual teenagers. I don't want my children hanging around
creeps, freaks, or troublemakers who are headed for destruction. Goths are
infatuated with vampires, witches, the color black, torture, self abuse, and anything freakish. Goth is extremely luring to lonely teenagers who don't seem to fit in
anywhere, because Goth is all about being a social misfit, i.e., a freak.
Parents are mostly to blame for not spending quality time with their teens. Listen parent, you ought to be best friends with your teen. A teenager who is loved by their
parents won't have a need to identify with others who are in their
same lonesome boat. If you don't make time for your kids, the Devil
certainly will. Notice I said "make" time. Life is hectic
nowadays, and there's always too much to do, and there's never enough money
to pay the bills. Forget the overtime! You spend some quality
time with your teens on a regular basis.
If you are into Goth yourself,
then I ask you as a friend to come to the Lord Jesus Christ, who is a friend
that sticketh closer than a brother. You don't need to identify with
the Devil's crowd anymore. Goth represents everything that is evil and unholy. Aren't you tired
of running from God? God loves you, no matter who you are, or what you
have done. God loves sinners.
Bono And U2: Satanists,
Blasphemers And Luciferians
(“Woe unto him that striveth with
his Maker”)
and Moral Decay
Signs Of Satan Are Everywhere!
MEGADETH, SLAYER and Dave Mustaine
The Sad
Truth About Marilyn Manson
'Diamond' Lee Roth and the Van Halen Brothers
Much Longer! (they're getting old)