The Feminist Movement


NOW MarchSome would say feminism is about basic human rights and that it's just a modern social movement. The truth is, the feminist movement is neither modern nor social in its origin. At its roots are ancient, highly religious elements that are rarely, if ever, mentioned.

Feminist leaders easily fit what the apostle Paul warned about ... saying false teachers can often be identified by their opposition or indifference to the essential truths of the gospel.

"For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.  Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith." —2nd Timothy 3:6-8

The false teachers of feminism teach a false lifestyle of unrighteousness. They prey on weak-willed women - unstable women who are quilt ridden because of their sins, torn by lust, and victims of various false teachers ("always learning," but never coming to a saving knowledge of Christ). A large number of feminists are victims of childhood abuse and are bitter toward men. Their 'guilt' is associated somehow with the false belief that they are responsible for their abuse. Rather than receiving the forgiving grace of Jesus, most of these women have bought into the lie perpetrated by false teachers that they are 'emancipated' and as a result are unable to function in a healthy relationship with a man. No wonder the majority of women in NOW are lesbians.

Many of those involved in the Feminist Movement may sincerely believe it is a political crusade to gain equality with men. Feminists teach women to see themselves as oppressed, and then make sure to blame it all on men and patriarchal society. At the 1998 ReImagining conference women were encouraged to express the divine reality that is locked deep within their identities by sharing their stories. Special emphasis was placed on telling stories of abuse, defilement, and repression, the kinds of stories that evoke what conference leader Rita Nakashima Brock, called "holy outrage."

Women are taught how to reshape who they are to better give of their gifts and talents through the feminist movement. Then they can attack it from another direction: They can elevate their self-esteem by remembering who they really are.

If you resist the movement, you are labeled as chauvinistic, bigoted, or just don't really understand what feminists are all about.



Feminist Spirituality

Who are they really? Goddesses who have been forced into amnesia by primitive white men trying to keep them from their true potential. Feminism is in fact a spiritual movement based partly on reawakening of "goddess consciousness," and its real goal is matriarchy, not equality.

Consider the spiritual advice feminist O.H.P. Belmont gave one young woman: "Call on God my dear. She will help you." Another feminist, Rosalind Miles had her own version of the Genesis 1:1 account: "In the beginning, as humankind emerged from the darkness of prehistory, God was a woman. And what a woman!"

The ultimate symbol of the patriarchy is a male God - the Father. In response, feminists at the National Council of Churches pushed through a unisex version of the Bible in which God is "our father and mother in heaven." and Jesus Christ is not the "Son of God," but the "child of God." The St. Hilda Community (an offshoot of the Church of England's Movement for the Ordination of Women) are not rewriting Christian creeds, but replacing them with stuff such as, "We believe in the presence of God in the world. She is our mother, source of deep wisdom ... she is our lover and is allowed to touch our pain ... she is our friend who stands alongside us." They have rewritten the Lords Prayer (depatriarchalised as "Prayer of Jesus") which reads in part, "Beloved, our Father and Mother in whom is heaven, hallowed by your name, followed by your royal way ..."

In her book Beyond God the Father, Mary Daly stated that "to exist humanly is to name the self, the world and God. The 'method' of the evolving spiritual consciousness of women is nothing less than this beginning to speak humanly - a reclaiming of the right to name." The right to name, the right to define, the right to give meaning, is at the heart of the feminist movement. Over the last decade, feminists have progressed from naming themselves - affirming and celebrating their differences from men - to naming their world - affirming and celebrating female contributions to society and religious life - to now naming God - affirming and celebrating what we as gendered people consider to be feminine aspects of the divine.

In her book Changing of the Gods, Naomi Goldenberg predicted that the continued feminist presence in religion would force a redefinition - one that would alter the very essence of Judeo-Christian belief. Goldenberg writes:

Undoubtedly, many followers of new faiths will still cling to old labels. But a merely semantic veneer of tradition ought not to hide the fact that very nontraditional faith will be practiced ... The feminist movement in Western culture is engaged in the slow execution of Christ and Yahweh. Yet very few of the women and men now working for sexual equality within Christianity and Judaism realize the extent of their heresy.

To make the leap out of the boundaries of traditional religion, feminists needed to formulate radical new images and understandings of the divine, for they would not find adequate or useful answers in the external God of Christendom. The God of traditional Christianity, Goldenberg argued, was too tainted with patriarchal dualisms - too transcendent, ultimate, universal and other. Those dualisms would need to be overcome and redeemed by feminism. The resultant God would be an internal God - a God connected to all things, a God with less distinct boundaries between creature and Creator.

The Rockefellers Engineered Women Today Through Feminism

It is sad that the average American woman has become some sort of she-man monster. Feminists will be begging for mercy on Judgment Day (Philippians 2:10-11). There won't be any feminists in Heaven, because God won't tolerate that garbage up there. You'll be cleaning toilets and begging for crumbs under the Master's table. Only in the retarded U.S.A. are women put in charge of armies. It is unbiblical for women to lead men in any capacity. In the real world that doesn't work. This is a man's world and always will be.

Only in a controlled environment, where evil men allow evil women to usurp authority, can women take charge. In every case of women doing a man's job (that is, taking on the disposition of a male), they have to behave out of character. It is an embarrassment to any civilized people.

No wonder our American society has become such a whacko, crazy and paranoid place to live. Women want to be men. Men want to be women. Animals are treated as people. People are treated as animals. Everything is butt-backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information, religions destroy spirituality, and Bible publishers destroy God's Word.

The evil Rockefellers engineered American women to become the insane, schizophrenic, immodest, sassy, rebellious, child-murdering, destructive monsters they are today. Honestly, I don't think the Rockefellers thought it would be so easy. American women have fallen hook, line and sinker for the Devil's bait. Feminism promised women that they would become “as gods,” just as the serpent lied to Eve (Genesis 3:5). Instead of become “as gods,” women have become AS GOODS, being sent into the workplace to forfeit a family, marriage and children. Suckers! You've given up everything, just as Eve in the Garden of Eden. You've thrown it all away for what... a dead-end career?

I don't blame men for being afraid to get married. That is exactly what the rotten thugs behind the New World Order want. In case you didn't know, there is a group of elite, occult, Lucifer-worshipping, families who control the world. Although this is difficult to grasp at first (and understandably would be), the evidence is irrefutable. In hundreds of ways, America is being attacked and destroyed be spiritual wickedness in high places as the Bible teaches in Ephesians 6:12. The Bible says that our Battle is against these powers. So if you are a Christian, then you should want to fight against Communism, criminals in government, and the demonic New World Order.


Contemporary Goddess spirituality draws inspiration from all the variations of earth-based religions, including Native American Spiritism, which isn't matriarchal at all. It also embraces European nature religions (especially witchcraft), Westernized Hinduism, Chinese Taoism, Japanese Shintoism, and Buddhism whose quest for self-realization and aversion for logic fits right in. Many differences and contradictions are simply ignored. All these influences are merging and multiplying in today's self-seeking, power-hungry, post-Christian Western culture.

From Wicca and Women's Spirituality web page:

It is important, however, to understand what Paganism and Wicca is NOT. It is NOT devil worship, does not involve hurting or cursing people, is not Satanism, and does not involve the desecration of any traditional church's objects of veneration. The Hollywood image of blood-drinking babykillers or kooks sticking wax dolls with pins could not be further than the truth. As well, it is an image that many Wiccans and Pagans despise and must struggle against every day. Most of us are in what we call the "broom closet," and have lost apartments, jobs, and even child custody for following the most practical of all spiritualities. If you know anyone who is Wiccan or Pagan, I can assure you that that person is no threat. Indeed, our spirituality demands care and deep love for the Earth and all Her living creatures as well as complete responsibility for our actions and their consequences. Harming or causing pain to another is repugnant and out of the question for us. Far from trafficking with Satan, we are engaged in a spirituality that centers on the joyous turning of the seasons, the endless dance of the billions of components in Nature and our place in Nature. Injury or harm is out of the question, and moreover our faith does not include any personification of Evil such as the Christian Devil.


Contemporary Goddess spirituality draws inspiration from all the variations of earth-based religions, including Native American Spiritism, which isn't matriarchal at all. It also embraces European nature religions (especially witchcraft), Westernized Hinduism, Chinese Taoism, Japanese Shintoism, and Buddhism whose quest for self-realization and aversion for logic fits right in. Many differences and contradictions are simply ignored. All these influences are merging and multiplying in today's self-seeking, power-hungry, post-Christian Western culture.

The feminist's internal God, as Goldenberg anticipated, would be totally antithetical to the traditional Judeo-Christian God of the Bible. Is this the God - or rather the Goddess - who has been invented or re-imagined in the person of Sophia?

godessNew Age feminist and conference speaker Charlene Spretnak in her book, The Politics of Women's Spirituality, teaches that, according to one reviewer, "Goddess worship, paganism, Wicca, and witchcraft are all names for a form of natural religion that is centered around the mystery, sexuality, and psychic mysteries of the female. The book is a clarion call to women to regain their natural power and to overthrow the global rule of men. The author's starting point for the re-establishment of female dominance is in bringing an end to Judeo-Christian religion."




Women's Progress

Source: Dr. Sally Satel (Independent Women's Forum), "NOW's Time Is Past," Wall Street Journal, July 11, 1997.


History Rewritten

godessThe 1971 Declaration of Feminism states, "All of history must be rewritten in terms of the oppression of women. We must go back to ancient female religions like witchcraft." The Minnesota chapter of NOW published an article advocating the return to "primitive goddess worship" as a replacement for Christianity. Indeed, not only witchcraft, but goddess worship has become a major component of feminist activity all over the country. Margot Adler, a modern witch, points out in Bringing Down the Moon that it is now time for the sisters to go out and do the magic circle and summon the goddess.

The spirit of radical feminism is the spirit of witchcraft and rebellion, the spirit manifested in Jezebel. It is the spirit which rejects God's lawful order and authority and tries to usurp that authority to itself, as did Eve in the Garden of Eden. Because they build much of their thinking on humanism, leaders in the feminist movement have no place for God. Gloria Steinem says of feminism that "the bottom line is that self-authority is the single most radical idea there is and there is a real hunger for putting the personal and the external back together again." The New Age agenda of transforming society is apparent in her thinking, "The point is for people to empower themselves," she says. She was also quoted as saying, "By the year 2,000, we will, I hope raise children to believe in human potential, not God."

Speaking at an event that The Los Angeles Times on March 16, 1982, billed as "Goddesses of Coming New Age Probe the Meaning of It All," Spretnak and other New Age feminists resolved that churches should either adopt New Age beliefs or be shut down.  One backdoor approach in bringing this about is to give New Age definitions to Christian doctrinal terms (i.e. atonement means at-one-ment with the divine.)

Modern feminists are rediscovering the great goddess. Certainly nothing can seem to lift a woman's self-esteem more than becoming a goddess. That indeed appears to be one solution to "problems of self-worth and identity." To them it vindicates the feminine in a universe where too much male principle seems to be operative. If the goal is judicial equality in society, then the same alternative must be applied to the cosmos. Followers of the goddess say that a male deity must be counterbalanced with a female counterpart. It only makes sense in an era of judicial egalitarianism. It also brings back androgyny.

Starhawk, priestess of the Old Religion of the Goddess, is one of witchcraft's leading ambassadors. An instructor at Matthew Fox's Institute for Culture and Creation, she and others who share her pagan persuasions have been teaching Wiccan rituals and the "positive" side of witchcraft in church groups and seminaries across the country. "Witchcraft is ... perhaps the oldest religion existent in the West," writes Starhawk in The Spiritual Dance, a manual on witchcraft which is also used in Women's Studies in colleges, universities and even in some seminaries.

Increasingly, we see the followers of Wicca, a pagan religion which worships nature, the Earth goddess and so forth gaining respect in society. Wicca followers are changing the public's perception of them. They claim they are not Satanists because they don't even believe in Satan. Despite the fact that Wicca, another name for witchcraft, is indeed occultism, the pagan religion is gaining respect in society because of its respect for the planet and environmental concerns.

Zealous protectors of the environment, witches view the earth as the physical manifestation of the Goddess. To them, the earth is the sacred body of the goddess, whose life-force flows through everything. The model of the Goddess...fosters respect for the sacredness of all living things. Witchcraft can be seen as a religion of ecology. Its goal is harmony with nature, so that life may not just survive, but thrive.

It would appear that the feminist movement has bought the oldest lie.  Like Eve, who ate the forbidden fruit at the invitation of the serpent with the promise that she would become as a god and never die, it is again women as part of the feminist movement, who have again been deceived by Satan, and are trying to pass on the forbidden fruit.

SOURCE of this excellent article.

"You can name anything you want to name, but I am opposed to anything in the world that de-emphasizes the line of difference between the sexes.  I believe that ladies ought to be feminine and sweet and lovely and charming.  I believe men ought to be strong and masculine and decisive.  I’m opposed to anything that makes a man and a woman act alike, look alike, dress alike, or talk alike."

-Pastor Jack Hyles (quote taken from Dr. Hyle's sermon, Unisex)

The Young Lady is a Tramp

Women Who Make the World Worse!

Sexual Liberation is Illuminati Perversion

Lesbianism -Feminism's Dead End

Communist Takeover Began Long Ago

The Effect of Sexual Deprivation on Women

Gloria Steinem: How the CIA Used Feminism to Destabilize Society

ABORTION RITES: How Feminists Spirituality is Reframing the Abortion Debate (.PDF file)

American Communism and the Making of Women's Liberation

"By the year 2000, we will, I hope, raise our children to believe in human potential, not God."

"It's an incredible con job when you think of it, to believe something now in exchange for life after death.  Even corporations with all their reward systems don't try to make it posthumous."

-Gloria Steinem, women's rights activist

  Feminist Fantasies

No assault has been more ferocious than feminism’s forty-year war against women. And no battlefield leader has been more courageous than Phyllis Schlafly. In these dispatches from the front, feminism’s most potent foe exposes the delusions and hypocrisy behind a movement that has cheated millions of women out of their happiness, health, and security.

  The Church Impotent
The Feminization of Christianity

The current preoccupation with the role of women in the church obscures the more serious problem of the perennial absence of men. This provocative book argues that Western churches have become "women's clubs," that the emasculation of Christianity is dangerous for the church and society, and that a masculine presence can and must be restored...the only book to confront the lopsidedly feminine cast of modern Christianity with a profound analysis of its historical and sociological roots.  

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Why Children and (Most) Careers Just Don't Mix

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about working mothers, Suzanne Venker argues that women can never be successful in the workplace and at home simultaneously. Women can achieve the balance they so desperately seek only by planning their careers around motherhood, rather than planning motherhood around their careers.

Ladies Against Feminism

"I'm not getting married.  I'm not waiting on any man hand and foot." -a feminist

Christian Women and Sports

Women's Page

Leading the pro-family movement since 1972 - Get Informed!

"Ye have wearied the LORD with your words. Yet ye say, Wherein have we wearied him? When ye say, Every one that doeth evil is good in the sight of the LORD..." -Malachi 2:17

Feminism is Evil!  Don't upset God by saying it's not.

God's Simple Plan