Satan is up to his evil works again, coming up with yet another version for
the apostate Bible-Of-The-Month club!
“Holman Christian Standard Bible” (HCSB... or my own acronym “Heresy
Can't Substitute Bible”) is a modern English Bible translation from Holman
Bible Publishers. The first full edition was completed in March 2004, with
the New Testament alone having been previously published in 1999. The
following information plainly shows the greed of these wicked people, and
also indicts the wicked Southern Baptist Convention who paid and published
this demonic work...
roots of the HCSB can be traced back as early as 1984, when Arthur
Farstad, general editor of the New King James Version of the Bible,
began a new independent translation project.
In 1998, Farstad and LifeWay
Christian Resources (the publishing arm of the Southern Baptist
Convention) came to an agreement that would allow LifeWay to fund and
publish the completed work. Farstad died shortly thereafter, and
leadership of the editorial team was turned over to Dr. Edwin Blum, who
had been an integral part of the team.
The death of Farstad
resulted in a change in the Greek New Testament text underlying the
HCSB, although Farstad had envisioned basing the new translation on the
same texts used for the original King James Version and New King James
Version. After Farstad's death, the editorial team replaced this text
with the Greek New Testament as established by modern scholars.
There's a few vital observations which need to be
made from this information...
when the original editor of the HCSB died, the SBC editorial team went from the
Textus Receptus to the corrupt Alexandrian Greek manuscripts.
comparison chart speaks volumes (smaller
and will give you a good idea what's going on today with the Bible.
Basically, all modern Bibles either come from the Greek manuscripts
discovered in Antioch, Syria (where the saints were
first called Christians, Acts 11:26); or they come from the manuscripts
discovered in the 19th century from Alexandria, Egypt (a place Biblically
and historically saturated with false religion and secular philosophers).
Our precious King James Bible is based solely upon
the Antioch, Syria manuscripts (which are often referred to as the “Textus
Receptus” or the “Received Text” which the King James translators received
and recognized as being inspired, while rejecting the Apocrypha as being
inspired). The Apocrypha was placed in between the original King James Old
and New Testaments solely for its historical content and not recognized as
part of God's holy inspired Words.
Second, the Southern Baptist Convention
(SBC) ought to be ashamed of themselves... ASHAMED!!! And they dare call
themselves Baptists! Stop misrepresenting yourselves!!! What's happening
before our eyes at the Southern Baptist Convention is exactly why
INDEPENDENT churches were started... to minimize corruption, apostasy and
wicked compromise!!! Thank God for independent churches today (not part of
any convention) who still uplift the inspired King James Bible, and preach
salvation by grace through faith in the Gospel PLUS NOTHING!
The SBC are covetous and greedy dogs! It is their
LifeWay Christian Resources, the publishers for the SBC that financed and
published this vile perversion of the holy Scriptures (the HCSB). The SBC
can dish-out all the lame excuses and reasons for their so-called “new”
Bible version, but that loud cha-ching dollar sound is deafening!!! 1st
Timothy 6:10, “For the love of money is the root of all evil...” They've
butchered the Words of the Living God!!! They are no better than the
Committee On Biblical Translation
(CBT) who gave the world the damnable
New International Version (NIV).
Thirdly, the SBC editorial committee
disregarded the trustworthy Textus Receptus for what they call “the Greek
New Testament as established by modern scholars.” In layman's terms that
means the Greek translations of heretics Westcott
and Hort (all modern Bibles, including the Jehovah's Witness' NEW
WORLD TRANSLATION come from the corrupt Greek texts of Westcott and
Hort) See the large
chart I shared with you earlier. Here it is again |
smaller chart (right click to
download &
Now having said that, let me show you a few of the
corrupted Scriptures in the so-called “new” version. These liars who butcher
the Words of God always say the same garbage, that is, we're meticulously
translating this new version from the originals (they don't tell you that
they have the wrong originals) and are preparing a version easier to
understand. It's the same old lie repackaged a hundred new ways. There's
nothing new under the sun. Satan was a liar then and he's still a liar now.
Here are some corruptions...
The King
James Bible uplifts the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ and says that men,
women and children WORSHIPPED Him. Jesus accepted worship as only God is
entitled to (Isaiah 42:8). In the perverted NIV and the so-called new and
more reliable version of the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB), the
wicked translators change worshipped to knelt. You can kneel before a king
without worshipping him. Jesus is to be worshipped and only the faithful
King James Bible teaches that.
Here is Matthew 8:2 from the
perverted HCSB, and then the accurate King James Bible below it...
2 Right away
a man with a serious
skin disease came up and knelt
before Him,
saying, “Lord, if You
are willing, You can make me clean.”
KJB - Matthew 8:2, “And, behold, there came a leper and
him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.”
Just like
the satanic NIV, the new HCSB removes the critically important word
“BEGOTTEN,” turning the Scripture into a lie.
16 “For God loved
the world in this way:
He gave His One and Only
so that everyone who
believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.
KJB - John 3:16, “For
God so loved the world, that he gave his only
begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting
below that the King James Bible in John 1:12 says that God clearly has MANY
sons, but only one BEGOTTEN Son (Jesus). Again, the NIV, HCSB and all modern
versions attack and diminish the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ (the truth
that He is almighty God Who came in the flesh)...
KJB - John 1:12, “But
as many as received him, to them gave he power to become
the sons of God,
even to them that believe on his name.”
If you are
a born-again Christian, then you are an adopted son of God (Romans 8:15).
So Jesus is not God's ONLY Son. Jesus is the only begotten Son of God. The
translators of the King James Bible had the wisdom to know this and
distinguished between God's adopted sons verses God's only begotten Son.
Jesus is the only BEGOTTEN son of God.
Are you getting angry and sick yet over the HCSB perversion of the Bible?
I'm just getting started exposing the HCSB trash version. Again, perhaps
“HCSB” should be an acronym which stands for “Heresy Can't Substitute
Bible!!!” Holman's new translation is cut from the same cloth as all other
modern Bibles. All of Satan's apples have worms. You can freely search and
compare different Bible versions at
Bible Gateway. Perhaps the Lord is speaking to your heart to join me in
exposing the modern corrupt Bible versions. If you see wrong interpretations
or corruption, warn others as I am in Jesus' name.
Jesus said
that a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit.
Westcott and Hort
Brooke Foss Westcott (1825-1901) was
born at Birmingham and Fenton John Anthony Hort (1828-1892) at Dublin.
These two evil men REVISED (butchered) the Greek and are the forefathers of
the modern-day apostate Bible-changing movement. If you consider that
neither of these men were true Christians, and that they both denied a
literal Hell, denied a literal Heaven, denied the virgin birth of Jesus
Christ and didn't believe a bunch of other fundamental doctrines of the
Christian faith... then it becomes clear that they were servants of Satan.
critically important word “GODHEAD” has been completely removed from Acts
17:29, Romans 1:20 and Colossians 2:9. Since the word “Trinity” is not found
in the Bible, the word “Godhead” becomes very important in teaching the
three-fold nature of
God, Who is yet one God (Deuteronomy 6:4). Instead of Godhead, the
corrupt NIV and HCSB change the word to divine nature.
9 For the entire fullness
of God’s
nature dwells bodily
in Christ,
KJB - Colossians 2:9, “For
in him dwelleth all the fulness of the
God's nature could mean anything,
but Godhead implies more than one member of the Godhead. And we clearly
learn from Genesis that God is plural by nature. We read in Genesis
1:26, “And God said, Let us make man in
our image, after
our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the
sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the
earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”
Deuteronomy 6:4 says that there is ONE God; but we learn from Colossians 2:2
about “the
MYSTERY of God, and of the Father, and of Christ.” The Bible calls
the Godhead a “mystery” as you just read in Colossians 2:2. Thankfully, God
doesn't command us to understand Him; but rather, simply to trust Him.
by little, incrementally, just as Satan has destroyed America one change at
a time—so also is the Devil destroying the Words of God one change at a
time—a little here and a little there—until one day a future generation has
absolutely no foggy idea of what the truth of God's Word is. The FACT of the
matter is that the NIV brought most churchgoers farther away from God's Word
than the Revised Standard Version (RSV).
And now the NIV 2011 has led apostate churches
even further away from the Word of God; but today's generation doesn't know
it, because they've never had the pure Words of God to begin with—they grew
up with the tainted milk of the NIV 1984. Very few people today are
fortunate enough to know and recognize the truth about modern corrupt
versions and cherish their precious King James Bible.
Proverb 22:28 says, “Remove not
the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set.” When a man died in
the Old Testament, sometimes dishonest neighbors would take advantage of his
widow and children by moving the property landmark which divided the land
(showing who owns what). By moving the landmark at night when no one was
looking, a little bit at a time, they could steal a large portion of land
over time and no one would know it. God hated this kind of evil and that's
why Proverbs 22:28 warns against moving the ancient landmark which their
ancestral fathers had set.
Likewise, this is how Satan is
corrupting the Word of God, by moving the landmark a little more in each new
version. The NIV 2011 is shocking, much worse than the NIV 1984 (which is
horrible in itself). I shudder to think what the next generation of
churchgoers will fall for and accept.
1st John 5:7 is also butchered in
the HCSB, removing the Trinity once again...
HCSB - 7 For there are three that testify:
KJB - 1st John 5:7,
“For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word,
and the Holy Ghost: and these
three are one.”
Here's a thorough
exegesis of 1st John 5:7 proving that it
belongs in the Bible. It's in the Textus Receptus!!!
I was really saddened to read this article about a
First Baptist Church in Houston, Texas. Pastor Gregg Matte said they won't
use the perverted NIV 2011 anymore because of its gender-neutral agenda, so
they're now going to the HCSB version. They're jumping from the frying pan
into the fire. ...
Houston church drops updated NIV
Bible over accuracy concerns
News and trends from the
religious realm with Kate Shellnutt
January 9, 2012
Houston’s First Baptist Church pastor Gregg Matte
announced at the start of this year that he will no
longer be preaching from the New International
Version (NIV) of the Bible. The NIV has been the
most familiar, best-selling Bible for decades;
however, some Baptist pastors like Matte now say the
NIV is no longer accurate after updates were made to
the translation last year, including the adoption of
gender-neutral language.
The Southern Baptist Convention denounced the
updated NIV last summer and asked its popular
bookstore affiliate, LifeWay, to stop selling the
2011 version. Individual Southern Baptist
congregations operate autonomously and may use
whatever Bible translation they would like. ...
The pastor believes the
updated translation has gotten further away from the
original biblical texts in other examples, including
using “servants” instead of “slaves” in the New
Testament. Starting in 2012, Houston’s First will
use the lesser-known and fairly new Holman Christian
Standard Bible instead of the NIV during lessons
from the pulpit and Bible studies. Members and
guests are still welcome to use whatever Bible
version they’d like.
The HCSB reads
differently than the NIV—it’s one of the only Bible
translations to use contractions, and as a way to be
truer to original language, refers to the name of
God as Yahweh (instead of Lord) in the Old Testament
and Jesus as “Messiah” in the New Testament, said
Jedidiah Coppenger, at Lifeway.
SOURCE: - Houston's 'First Baptist Church' Drops
NIV Bible
Isn't that
very sad? Shame on this apostate pastor for using a
corrupted Bible. They're going from one lie to another.
New things aren't always better my friend. I'll take the
old books, the old music, the old electronics, the old
ways, and the old Bible thank you! Neo-evangelicalism is
about changing things to the new way, new methods, new
music and new Bibles. In a word, APOSTASY! The neo way
is the dead way. Today's churches either resemble
morgues or Rock concerts. Most of today's churches
aren't anything like the New Testament Church in
the book of Acts—where the early believers had no church
building, weren't 501c3 incorporated as a state-licensed
business and they went publicly from house-to-house and
door-to-door sharing the Gospel (Acts 20:20, often
called the Christian's 20/20 vision—GO soul-winning!).
In a way the
HCSB is worse than the NIV 2011 because it's not as
obvious to the untrained eye that Satan is behind the
Bible-changing movement. What most older Christians fail
to realize is that the new upcoming generation won't
know any Bible except the one being handed to them.
Since I grew up on the King James Bible, I have
something to use as a measuring stick, a benchmark. When
I read John 3:16 in the HCSB I say, “Wait a minute
buster! Where's the word begotten?” It's tragic
that the HCSB is being accepted because it's not as bad
as the NIV 2011. That's like being glad that your child
is addicted to alcohol instead of crack cocaine. They're
both evil.
It's tragic
that religious denominations are publishing their own
proprietary copyrighted versions of the Bible to compete
for market share amongst each other for profits. Is that
all that God's Word means to professed Christians
anymore? Only the trustworthy inspired King James Bible
is NOT copyrighted, because you cannot copyright God's
New converts and young people today are being handed an
NIV or HCSB and their brain doesn't detect anything
amuck, because
they've never been taught any other Bible. So they'll
never read the words “Godhead or
Calvary.” Luke 23:33 is the only mention of the
wonderful word “Calvary” in the King James Bible. The
NIV and HCSB remove it completely. Just think of all the
beautiful and inspiring hymns (Burdens Are Lifted At
Calvary, At Calvary, Calvary Covered It All) and
writings over the centuries which have mentioned Calvary
(the place where Jesus bore our burden of sins upon the
can be the worst of liars and deceivers when it comes to money. Every
so-called new Bible version that comes along (and there have been over 400
new translations in the English language since the authorized King James
Bible was first published in 1611) claims to be more reliable, accurate and
easier to read.
There's always some proprietary new change that they can secure a legal
copyright or trademark on, to reserve their rights to exclusively PROFIT
financially from the sale of their new version (allegedly done for the
betterment of humanity). They're not kidding God-fearing saints who love God
and not mammon. The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is going to make
upwards of a hundred million dollars from the HCSB Bible. The SBC has an
estimated 3,500,000 members[1].
At a cost of $15-25 for each Bible, that equates to a massive windfall of
profits. But wait, there's more!
What's really sad is that the SBC is marketing the
HCSB version in a series called,
THE HCSB HEROES BIBLES... targeting Firefighters, Marines, Coast
Guard, EMS and Law Enforcement with Satan's word. Cha-ching... can you hear
those cash registers raking in the money??? Satan wants his demonic Bible in
everyone's hands... a perverted Bible that has no Godhead, Calvary is gone,
Jesus is not worshipped, Jesus is not the only begotten Son, and the word
“sodomite” is completely removed (don't want to offend the same-sex crowd).
The SBC is making some serious money on their new version of the Bible.
We used to sing a song in Sunday School that
The B-I-B-L-E, yes that's the Book for me;
I stand alone on the Word of God;
The B-I-B-L-E! ... and then we'd shout, BIBLE!
We'll, here's the Southern Baptist Convention's
version of the song...
M-O-N-E-Y, yes that's the life for me;
I stand alone on the love of money;
The M-O-N-E-Y ... and then they all shout, MONEY!
The 'Holman Christian Standard Bible' is extremely
dangerous because it errantly claims to be a “CHRISTIAN STANDARD.” Standard
for what... APOSTASY!!! It's certainly not Christian. It must continually be
kept in mind that the HCSB, NIV and all corrupt modern versions come from
the corrupt Alexandrian manuscripts found in Egypt. These are not the same
as the manuscripts from Antioch, Syria where our trustworthy King James Bible
originates via the Textus Receptus. I bought a Textus Receptus for about $80
over 10-years ago. I cherish it.
The SBC wanted their own proprietary, exclusive, marketable Bible and now
they have one in the HCSB. Shame on them! It's bad enough that the SBC gave
into Walt Disney after 8-years of banning
GAY DAY at Disney; they QUIT!!! Too many SBC members wanted to
take their kids to
Walt Disney (never mind if Goofy is acting goofy toward Donald Duck).
For an in-depth look at the satanic agenda behind Walt Disney, please
The SBC has sold-out to the Devil. Granted, I like
to hear every once in a while that the SBC takes a stand against same-sex
marriage, et cetera. Unfortunately, once a group starts tampering with the
Words of God their days are numbered. The group may continue, but the Lord
won't be with them. Even as I type they have forsaken the pure, inspired and
preserved Words of God. It's so sad. God gives us His Words, preserved unto
every generation just as He PROMISED in Psalm 12:6-8; but then the SBC and
many like them reject those Words for something more hip to our times.
And to no surprise, the HCSB version butchers
Romans 10:9, teaching the heresy of Lordship Salvation...
9 If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus
is Lord,”
and believe in your
that God raised Him
from the dead,
you will be saved.
KJB - Romans 10:9, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth
the Lord Jesus,
and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead,
thou shalt be saved.”
Do you see the drastic difference in meaning? This
is why 75% of all evangelical churches today have a wrong understanding of
what it Biblically means to repent.
Mark 1:15, “And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom
of God is at hand:
repent ye, and believe the gospel.”
“Repentance” unto
salvation in Mark 1:15 is the Greek word metanoeo, which
simply means “a
change of mind,” no more. Notice that believing the Gospel is the object of
true repentance; not ridding one's life of sin, which is what heretics like
Ray Comfort,
Creation Science Evangelism (CSE), Jack Chick and John MacArthur teach. Mark 1:15 plainly teaches that the
Gospel is the object of repentance. Men repent and believe the Gospel. That
is salvation.
Repentance and believing are not two separate steps to
salvation; but rather, repentance is a change of mind that prompts a man to
believe the Gospel. They are two parts of one step. The man who has repented
has believed, and the man who believes has repented. This is why the Gospel
of John mentions the word “believe” and “believed” 85-times, but the word
“repent” is never mentioned, not even once. Repentance unto salvation is
very simple—you turn to Jesus to be forgiven of your sins; not turning from
your sins as a prerequisite o trusting Christ. The former is salvation; but
the latter is the heresy of Lordship Salvation, which leads to Hell.
Woe unto Southern Baptist
Convention (SBC) for corrupting the Scriptures! Clearly it is about the love
of money. There's not a dime's difference between the New International
Version (NIV) and the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB). They're all
pulling on the same rope as the Devil. God only wrote ONE BOOK my friend,
not 500!!! I know that we have that preserved, inerrant, infallible,
inspired Book today in the precious KING JAMES BIBLE!!! Amen and amen!
56:11, “Yea, they
are greedy dogs which can never have enough,
and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their
own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter.”
Ye Must Be Born Again!