![]() "DSM-III represents a bold series of choices based on guess, taste, prejudice, and hope ... few are based on fact or truth." - George Valiant, "A Debate on DSM-III"The DSM-IV is included because it is referenced in other of our pages. The links below lead to pages taken directly from the Fourth Edition of the DSM-IV, copyright 1994, printed in 1997. Realize that psychiatry seems to make sense within it's own limited framework of nomenclature and definitions, but then again so do all mythologies, and the fault with psychiatry is not logical inconsistencies within the field, but severely flawed basic assumptions about man, his mind, his behavior, life, the environment and the relationships between these things. Psychiatric methods have been and continue to be harmful to Man and society. DSM-IV: DIAGNOSTIC AND STATISTICAL MANUAL OF MENTAL DISORDERS
Acknowledgements - Who was involved in putting together the DSM-IV and which psychiatric front groups offered support. Introduction - 60 organizations and associations interested in the development of DSM-IV such as American Health Information Management Association, American Nurses' Association, American Occupational Therapy Association, etc. Read critical analysis of the farce known as "mental illness", diagnosing such "disorders" and psychiatry's abandonment of the "mind" in favor of physiology and biochemisrty. Historical - Realize this all seems to make sense unless you keep firmly in mind that the majority of the "mental illnesses" and "disorders" are NOT illnesses in any sense analagous to physical illness. Psychiatry and the drug companies spend millions of dollars a year to find that one "gene" that causes a "mental illness". They have never found it and never will. It doesn't exist. They also spend millions making sure the public and the "professionals" believe that such things as "mental disorders" and "mental illnesses" exist, with biochemical and physiological causes (all of which they have never come close to proving). Definition of Mental Disorder - The attitude of psychiatry is that "we have advanced past the old and over-simplistic notion of man having a mind and a body, and that these two things are different." Well yes, actually and factually the MIND and the BODY are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS, with observably different functions and following quite different laws. They do effect each other, exactly how is not currently known, and while there are observable interrelations between the mind, body, and the environment, they each ARE fundamentally unique and different phenomena. Psychiatry would like us to believe "mental" disorders are all "physical" because this fits in nicely with their (ridiculous) theories of genetic and chemical-biophysiological causes for all "mental illness". This ideological slant and shift has led to a very incomplete picture of Man and society. Issues in the Use of DSM-IV - "DSM-IV is a categorical classification that divides mental disorders into types based on criteria sets with defining features." A major problem with this is the application of modern psychiatric methods consistenty leads to different diagnosis and different treatments for the same patient by different psychiatrists! Why? First, because the supposed disorders have unclear boundaries, are not discrete entities in any actual self-existing true sense (read it here - they admit this), and people with the disorders don't necessarily even have similarities of symptoms and behavior (in their own words). How can anything be called "science" which exists and is practiced so inconcsistently from case to case? Read first hand for yourself and discover the true nature of psychiatry as a very complicated modern mythology masquerading as "true science". Where else would one find "coffee drinking" (292.9 Caffeine-Related Disorder) turned into a mental illness! Smoking is now classified as a mental illness also! You'll find it under category 305.10 Nicotine Dependence, and 292.0 Nicotine Withdrawal. Yes, smoking does have an addictive aspect. No, drug addiction is not a mental illness! It's simply drug addiction - the physical and mental reaction to drug taking. "Withdrawal" is a physiological reaction to stopping the taking of a drug. It is not a mental illness either! Bur modern psychiatry has defined them, and many others, in such a way. Of course, the greater the number of "mental illnesses" in the catalog (DSM-IV) justifies more psychiatrists, government involvement and spending, drugging of the public, electric shock, brain surgery and involuntary commitment. It is a self-perpetuating leviathan. More "disorders" gives us more psychiatrists and increased funding of psychiatry, which then gives us more "disorders", and round and round it goes. Personally, I would like the merry-go-round to stop! Say NO To Psychiatry! Book Links DSM-IV published by the American Psychiatric Association They Say You're Crazy: How the World's Most Powerful Psychiatrists Decide Who's Normal by Paula J. Caplan, Ph.D. Making Us Crazy: DSM: The Psychiatric Bible and the Creation of Mental Disorders by Herb Kutchins, Stuart A. Kirk The Myth of Mental Illness: Foundations of a Theory of Personal Conduct by Thomas S. Szasz, M.D., Professor Law, Liberty, and Psychiatry : An Inquiry into the Social Uses of Mental Health Practices by Thomas S. Szasz, M.D., Professor DSM-IV Casebook: A Learning Companion to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders by Robert L. Spitzer, Miriam Gibbon, Andrew E. Skodol, Michael B. First DSM-IV Made Easy: The Clinician's Guide to Diagnosis by James Morrison Diagnostic Criteria from DSM-IV (4th Ed) by John S. McIntyre Back to Main SNTP Page