Lutheran Lies
by David J. Stewart | May 2005
Sadly, the Lutheran religion is full of lying deceits of the Devil. Just as the cult of Roman Catholicism, the Lutheran religion is based largely upon manmade TRADITIONS and NOT upon the Word of God. The Word of God is the ONLY Authority upon which we should base our beliefs and faith.
One of the easiest ways to identify a FALSE religion is by finding out upon what authority their beliefs are based. For example: The Seventh-Day Adventists are a false religion whose beliefs are largely based upon the godless writings of a woman named Ellen G. White. Christian Scientists base their religious beliefs upon the heathen writings of Mary Eddy Baker.
The Jehovah's Witness cult base their beliefs largely upon the heretical writings of Charles Taze Russell. The cult of Scientology base their beliefs upon the hellish teachings of Ron Hubbard. Do you see what I am saying? EVERY false religion/cult can be traced back to some human AUTHORITY.
The Word of God, the Bible, should be our FINAL AUTHORITY in every matter. The heresies of the Lutheran FALSE religion can be traced back to the heretic, Martin Luther. I realize that Luther made a public profession of faith in Christ, but he also publicly ADDED the holy mass and baptism to his faith as well.
According to the Bible, Martin Luther is burning in hell today. I know what I just said would flabbergast the average Protestant church member, but it is nonetheless true. Martin Luther in his large and small catechisms blatantly declared that NO ONE could go to heaven without being baptized or partaking of the holy mass.
If you'll read the Lutheran Augsburg Confessions, you'll discover some awful heresies. The Lutherans actually believe that God couldn't come to the earth incarnate without MARY'S PERMISSION. That is ludicrous! The Lutherans believe that Mary is very dear to the heart of God, more dear than any other godly woman. This is heresy!
Though the Lutherans don't falsely recognize Mary as a co-redeemer as the Catholics do, they do RECOGNIZE Mary. It is a SIN to recognize Mary at all because the Bible NEVER tells us to recognize Mary. I experienced a very creepy feeling as I was reading some of the Lutherans hymns which hail Mary. Listen folks...if you hail Mary, you are hailing Satan.
A Lutheran article entitled, “Mary, Mother of the Church,” written by Darel E. Paul, makes the religious claim that Mary is the MOTHER complement of God the Father and Christ the Son. This is heresy! Following are some quotes (in green font) from Darel E. Paul's Lutheran article and my rebuttal using the Bible.
It is common to hear Roman Catholics speak of "Mother Church." You might even hear a Lutheran use the phrase, although unfortunately as often in sarcasm as in sincerity. All Lutherans, however, should gladly embrace the language of the Church as Mother. We can find testimony to this understanding in no less a source than the Large Catechism. In the section "Of the Creed", Luther speaks of the Church as:
'the mother that begets and bears every Christian through the Word of God.'
The Church is the mother who begets and bears the Christian because the Church is the site and the means by which the Holy Spirit works in the life of the Christian. The Church with the Holy Spirit begets the Christian, and the Church bears the Christian in his or her growth "to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ." (Eph. 4: 13) The Church is that tender mother who nurtures us, teaches us, guides us, admonishes us, protects us, and most of all, through the sacraments which are her mark, administers to us the forgiveness of sins. As the Large Catechism continues,
'outside of this Christian Church, where the Gospel is not, there is no forgiveness, as also there can be no holiness [sanctification].'
She does none of these things on her own authority, of course, but only on the authority of God Himself. Jesus Christ has given to her the keys to the kingdom (Matt. 16: 19), and He has promised that the gates of hell shall not prevail against her (Matt. 16: 18). [emphasis added]
I do NOT intend to be unkind, but the preceding Lutheran doctrines are straight from Hell, not found in the Bible. There is NOTHING in the Bible which even hints that the church was ever supposed to be our “Mother.” The Lutherans are following the Roman Catholic monstrosity from afar off. It is Satanic to view the church as our “mother.” The Bible teaches that we are born again by the Word of God...
“Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.” —1st Peter 1:23
God's children are NOT begotten by the church, but rather by the Word of God which is Jesus Christ (John 1:1,14; Revelation 19:13). When a person is “born again,” the Spirit of Christ is born in them (Romans 8:9). The church CANNOT do this! The church is composed of believers, it CANNOT create new believers. Mr. Paul says that "The Church with the Holy Spirit begets the Christian." Lies! NOTHING in the Bible even suggests such demonic heresy! It is the Word of God and the Holy Spirit that begets the Christian, the church has NOTHING to do with one's salvation!
The ONLY responsibility of the church is soul winning, preaching the Gospel to the world. In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus gave us The Great Commission to go into all the world with the Gospel. It is extremely DANGEROUS to teach that the church is our "Mother." If it's wrong for the Catholics to teach such evil doctrines, then it is EQUALLY wrong for the Lutherans to teach it.
The Lutheran's reasoning is flawed. Just because the Bible speaks of "God the Father" and "God the Son" does NOT demand that there be a mother. We must be extremely careful not to read into the Bible what is NOT there. Here are some more Lutheran heresies concerning Mary by Darel E. Paul (with quotes from heretic Martin Luther)...
While the language of the Church as our Mother may sound vaguely acceptable to the Lutheran, the language of the Virgin Mary as our Mother is harder to swallow. And yet, what more easy conclusion can one draw then that, with Christ as our Brother and God our Father, our mother should therefore be the same mother which bore Christ and the same woman chosen by our Father to bear His Son? Martin Luther wrote that:
Mary is the Mother of Jesus and the Mother of all of us even though it was Christ alone who reposed on her knees . . . If he is ours, we ought to be in his situation; there where he is, we ought also to be and all that he has ought to be ours, and his mother is also our mother.
Yet what is the contemporary Lutheran's reaction to this statement? To run in fear from 'Romanizing ideas', or to embrace it in joy? If we listen to Luther, we hear that we are not motherless Christians. Rather:
This is the great joy, of which the angel [of the Lord (Luke 2: 9-12)] speaks, this is the consolation and the superabundant goodness of God, that man (if he has this faith) may boast of such treasure as that Mary is his real mother, Christ his brother, and God his father. For these things are, all of them, true and they come to pass, provided we believe them.
Did you read that? Martin Luther said that Mary is "also our mother." Do you see why I call Martin Luther an unsaved heretic! Mary is NOT my mother. Mary was the earthly mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the few children she conceived AFTER marrying Joseph latter on. Mary is NOT the Mother of any Christian today and it is DAMNABLE HERESY to tech that she is. If you are a Lutheran, you might as well walk down the street to your local Catholic religion and become a Catholic because you're in the same boat already.
Mary Worship
Though not to the idolatrous extent that the Catholics idolize Mary, the Lutherans follow in the same adulterous steps of the Great Whore, Roman Catholicism. The photo at the left is one depiction of the Lutheran Mary.
Though the Halo around Mary's head is missing, it is still disconcerting (and unbiblical) for anyone to recognize her at all. Mary is no more to be praised than any other godly mother. In a poem titled "Swept Up In Joy" by David Miller, a Lutheran Minister, he says the following:
I tried to pray through my distress as the choir sang of Mary: "Hail favored one, the Lord is with thee." But my thoughts connected only with my anxiety.
"Hail favored one?" Excuse me, but where in the Bible are we ever commanded to recognize Mary at all? Jesus never even hinted for anyone to praise Mary. This is a MANMADE TRADITION, and it came out of the Great Whore of Catholicism. Just as Catholics deny that they worship Mary (which they obviously do), so do the Lutherans deny that they worship Mary to a lesser degree.
Barbara Owen, a member of Our Shepherd Lutheran Church, Annapolis, Md., is the editor of Daily Readings from Luther's Writings, Augsburg Fortress. The following quotes are from her article "Luther On Mary":
The Scriptures always point to Christ as the one who saves. Luther characteristically said: "Oh, how many kisses we bestowed on Mary! But she did not redeem and save me."
But Luther also honored Mary and her "unique place in all of [humankind]." He insisted "the festivals of the Purification and Annunciation of Mary may be continued, and for the time being her Assumption and Nativity." He could even imagine her as a heavenly intercessor.
The first couple of sentences are ok (and this is all that MOST people see when they look at Lutheranism), but take a look at the sentences which follow. This is shocking! Martin Luther said that he could even imagine Mary as a "heavenly intercessor." Folks, that's devilish doctrine! In one breath Martin Luther admits that Mary CANNOT redeem anyone, and in the next breath he speaks blasphemy against God.
"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" -1st Timothy 2:5
Mary is NOT an intercessor and you had better get that straight because Martin Luther was a doctrinal mess. Here is a whole bunch of demon doctrine from Martin Luther (the source is from the same article above, Luther On Mary):
Luther noted Mary's humility: "So the wondrous pure spirit of Mary is worthy of even greater praise, because having such overwhelming honors heaped upon her head, she does not let them tempt her [to pride]. ... [In] truth she thrusts [pride and honor] from her and would have us honor God in her and come through her to a good confidence in His grace."
Mary is a model for us and a comfort. Luther wrote: "O Blessed Virgin, Mother of God, what great comfort God has shown us in you, by so graciously regarding your unworthiness and low estate. This encourages us to believe that henceforth He will not despise us poor and lowly ones, but graciously regard us also, according to your example."
Mary isn't "a goddess who could grant gifts or render aid, as some suppose when they pray and flee to her rather than to God," Luther wrote. "She does nothing, God does all. We ought to call upon her, that for her sake God may grant and do what we request." Luther biographer, Martin Brecht, describes Luther's thoughts: Mary is "the model for believers, and, above all, the example of God's action. It is God's grace that we are to admire in Mary, nothing else."
Through faith, Luther wrote, a person "may boast of such treasure as that Mary is his real mother, Christ his brother, and God his father.... By this token you sit assuredly in the Virgin Mary's lap and are her dear child."
The Catholics teach that Mary is a "co-redeemer" with Christ. Of course, that is a lie of the devil. Jesus is the ONLY Redeemer. Though the Lutherans deny this heresy, they are woefully guilty of creating their own heresy by praying to Mary. Did you read what Luther said above? - "We ought to call upon her, that for her sake God may grant and do what we request." Heresy! Show me that in the Word of God!
I triple-dog dare you to show me one verse in the Bible that says we should pray, admire, praise, or seek to contact Jesus' mother in ANY way. You CANNOT! Show me where the Bible teaches that we should expect God to answer our prayers for Mary's sake. The Lutheran church in NO church, but a bastard child of the Mother of harlots (Roman Catholicism). Luther prayed..."O Blessed Virgin, Mother of God, what great comfort God has shown us in you..."
Like I said, Catholicism never came out of Martin Luther. Even more sickening is Luther's comment above..."a person "may boast of such treasure as that Mary is his real mother, Christ his brother, and God his father." Whoa! Martin Luther is guilty of the same thing that Roman Catholics are guilty of... ELEVATING MARY! Martin Luther speaks out of both sides of his mouth—He tells us that Mary does nothing, yet we should praise her greatly. But what does the Bible say...
"I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images." -Isaiah 42:8
If Martin Luther were alive today, he would be another ecumenical heretic like Billy Graham. Read the shocking heresy found at
In 1996, Pope John Paul II concluded that the title 'Mother of God' "proclaims the nobility of woman and her very high vocation. God, in effect, treats Mary as a free and responsible person and does not fulfill the Incarnation of his Son until after he has obtained her consent." Lutherans fully agree with this understanding of Mary. [emphasis added]
Are you getting this? Lutherans believe that God could not come to the earth incarnate without Mary's PERMISSION. If you'll read the Bible, you'll quickly learn that Mary was ALREADY pregnant before she or Joseph knew what was going on. God did NOT need or ask for Mary's permission!
Lutherans are basically unofficial Catholics. They read out of the Apocrypha like the Catholics. They recognize Catholic saints, holidays and festivals. They idolize Mary. They baptize infants like the Catholics. And tragically, they teach Baptismal Regeneration, which is an accursed ANOTHER GOSPEL.
Awake to Righteousness!
For some strange reason, we Christians are slow to see what the devil is up to. I am amazed at how few websites there are EXPOSING the heresies of the Lutheran false religion. The Lutheran religion is even MORE dangerous than Roman Catholicism because it does claim salvation by grace through faith. But what people FAIL to realize is that EVERY Lutheran also ADDS baptism and holy communion to that faith in Christ. It is no longer faith.
There are an estimated sixty million Lutherans (60,000,000!). Lutheranism is one of the biggest cults in the world next to Buddhism, Islam and Catholicism. Why are the churches silent? I am an Independent Fundamental Baptist. I wish I could wake up more Christians to contend for the faith against these less obvious cults like the Lutheran religion.
It is a good indicator of the apostasy of our generation that so many believers actually think that Lutherans are Christians. Are you a Christian?
"Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?" -2nd Corinthians 13:5
The Apostle Paul didn't take any chances, he warned the people that churchianity doesn't give us Christianity. Sadly, I fear that most Lutherans have churchianity without Christianity. I can confidently say that if you follow the teachings of the Lutheran church that you WILL end up in hell.
Why? Because you are ADDING works to your faith. Romans 11:6 warns that you cannot be saved by grace and works, it's one or the other. For Lutherans to claim that they are NOT trusting in works, while REQUIRING baptism and holy communion for salvation is a hypocritical contradiction.
On the surface Lutherans speak of faith alone in Christ, but delve deeper into their beliefs and you'll find doctrines of devils, Satanic Catholicism, straight from the depths of hell. Don't be fooled. Salvation can ONLY be obtained through childlike faith in the Saviour.
Birds of a Feather Flock Together
Martin Luther was a Mary Worshipper
What's Wrong With The Lutheran Religion?
Who Can Forgive Sins? (by Pastor Max D. Younce)
Martin Luther —
Master Of Deceit
(An excellent 277 page
online book by Dr. Max D. Younce, Th.D.)
Click here if you need Adobe to read .PDF files...
The Satanic Augsburg Confession Of Martin Luther!
Martin Luther -Master of Deceit -part 1 | MP3
Martin Luther -Master of Deceit -part 2 | MP3
Martin Luther and the 10 Commandments | MP3
Martin Luther's Unbiblical Philosophies: