Charles Spurgeon and the Blood of Christ
(A rebuttal to those who claim that John MacArthur is teaching the same thing as Spurgeon)

Charles Spurgeon preached the blood of Christ, John MacArthur diminishes it!

Charles H. Spurgeon preached a sermon entitled. "The Blood Shedding," February 22, 1857, from Hebrews 9:22. He describes the suffering and death of Christ, and says, "Mark his brow-they have put about it a crown of thorns, and the crimson drops of gore are rushing down his cheeks! . . . But turn aside that purple robe for a moment. His back is bleeding. ..They lift up the thongs, still dripping clots of gore; they scourge and tear his flesh, and make river of blood to run down his shoulders! This is the shedding of blood without which there is no remission...They fling him to the ground; they nail his hands and feet to the transverse wood, they hoist it in the air...Blood from his head, blood from his hands, blood from his feet. They pierce his side, and forthwith runneth out blood and water.

This is the shedding of blood, sinners and saints; this is the awful shedding of blood, the terrible pouring out of blood, without which for you, and for the whole human race, there is no is not a thing which you may doubt, or which you may believe; it must be believed and received, otherwise you have denied the Scriptures and turned aside from God." He further states, "It cuts off every other hope, bring your hopes here, and if they are not based in blood, and stamped with blood, they are as useless as castles in the air, and dreams of night. 'There is no remission,' says he text, in positive and plain cords. . . Except you put confidence n the shedding of our Saviour's blood, and in the blood shedding alone, for without it there is no remission." (The New Park Street Pulpit, Vol. 3, pages 90-92, Pilgrim Publications).

Spurgeon never changed in his preaching of the blood. On May 30, 1875, he preached again from the same text. In his sermon, he repeated over and over, "Without shedding of blood is no remission." Without resorting to lengthy quotations, we can honestly say that his doctrine never changed. He said, "It is not possible that any sin should ever be forgiven to any man without shedding of blood." (Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, Vol. 51, page 426, Pilgrim Publications).

Of course nothing is true simply because Spurgeon, Gill, or someone else said it; but it so happens that what they said on the blood is biblical and sound, while what MacArthur has said is false.
No one can deny that MacArthur is a gifted and talented speaker. He is the Senior Minister of Grace Cathedral, Panorama City, California, and the popular speaker on the widely distributed radio broadcast entitled, "Grace To You." He has built a tremendously large church, and he has a very large radio audience. This is all the more reason why someone should expose his false teaching on the blood. No doubt we shall lose some friends over this exposure of error, but we hold truth dearer than we do friends. The cause of truth must ever be first. -From Plains Baptist Challenger 8/86

Charles Spurgeon uncompromisingly preached THE SHED BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST.


John MacArthur Exposed!

Why I Disagree with All 5 Points of Calvinism

Introduction to Calvinism | Calvinism and Baptists

What a Mess! | John Calvin Exposed! | Arminianism

Not Chosen To Salvation (an excellent online book by Dr. Max D. Younce | PDF)

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The 5 Points Of Calvinism Refuted (an excellent MP3 sermon by Pastor Steven L. Anderson)

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crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.”

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