Jesus Freak? - DC Talk is of the devil
by David J. Stewart
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DC Talk's video "Jesus Freak" is one of the most popular Christian video's ever recorded...
But, how "Christian" is it?
"Jesus Freak" was directed by an Englishman named Simon Maxwell. And who is Simon Maxwell? Simon Maxwell is video director for the satanic and blasphemous Nine Inch Nails!
DC Talk openly admits to watching one of Nine Inch Nails videos, and liked Maxwell's style. "We had seen some of Simon's work with Nine Inch Nails", says DC Talk vocalist Toby McKeehan. "HIS STYLE APPEALED TO US." (Billboard, November 11, 1995)
Have you seen the "ultra-blasphemous" video "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails? It shows a monkey crucified on a cross!
Here's a clip from Nine Inch Nails video "Closer"!
DC Talk openly admits to watching this kind of blasphemy!
"If you think I WORSHIP SATAN because of something you see in the 'Closer' video [with its images of a crucified monkey]- great!"
(Trent Reznor, People, Feb. 6, 1995)You talk about wicked satanic, blasphemy! And DC Talk proudly admits to watching Nine Inch Nails videos and liked them so much they hired Simon Maxwell to direct and produce their "Jesus Freak" video!
And believe me there's NOTHING CHRISTIAN about the video!
Even Billboard magazine says of the video, "The clip's slick style and in-your-face imagery could easily fit between cutting edge video's from the likes of Nirvana to Nine Inch Nails. . ." (Billboard, Nov 11, 1995)
Simon Maxwell says the process of creating the DC Talk clip wasn't MUCH DIFFERENT from what he did on the Nine Inch Nails video. (Billboard, Nov 11, 1995)
Nine Inch Nails, lead by Trent Reznor, who even Spin magazine calls the "Evil One" (Spin, April 1997). Trent Reznor is personally responsible for the "huge-mainstream" success of the "perverted-blasphemous-Satanist" Marilyn Manson. Manson, a member of the Church of Satan, says in Spin, Aug. 96 (p.34), "Hopefully, I'll be remembered as the who brought an end to Christianity". Manson's latest album is "AntiChrist Superstar".
In the understatement of the year, Toby McKeehan told Billboard magazine, ". . . the intention of the clip was to "push the envelope" of the Christian music community. . . they expect some of the more CONSERVATIVE members of the Christian community to FROWN on the adventurous clip." (Billboard, Nov 11, 1995)
God help us! God help us, that we as Christians let groups like dc Talk hide behind a "Christian" label and "pervert" our Christian young people!
A reporter for the San Diego North Country Reader, (February 29, 1996) covering a dc Talk "Freak Show" concert made these not-surprisingly, but sad words of testimony from some young people, ". . . we both laughed during the buildup for the encore of "Purple Haze/Jesus Freak" as several young booty shakers cried, almost in unison, 'These guys are the s*@!, man.'"
There is a CLEAR "testimony" of the "fruit" of dc Talk! Young people listening to them and spewing PROFANITY!
The words of the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 7:16-10, ring "loud and true"!
"Ye shall know them by their FRUITS. . .
every good tree bringeth forth good FRUIT;
but a CORRUPT tree bringeth forth EVIL fruit. . .
Wherefore by their FRUITS ye shall KNOW them."
Matthew 7:16-20
Christian parents and youth ministers are naively sending their children to DC Talk concerts thinking they're providing a "Christian" alternative to the world. Tragically, DC Talk (and other demonic "Christian" Rock stars) are "spiritually" feeding their young people with Satanic poison!
And even worse — in the name of Jesus Christ!
Young person, parent, pastor, youth minister — whoever you are reading this — are you so "spiritually" blind you can't see this!
Or are you so "filled" with rock music — you just don't care!Wake up young person!
Wake up pastor!
Wake up parent!
Quit sacrificing your children like "innocent lambs to the slaughter" to these C-rock "stars" "which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves!" (Matt 7:15)