Kelly Clarkson's Deadly Feminist Propaganda
By David J. Stewart | June 2013
2nd Timothy 3:1-2, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves...”
In the following shameful and rebellious feminist lyrics to the sinful song, “Mr. Know It All,” Kelly Brianne Clarkson (born 1982) makes mention of herself (“I, Me and I'm”) NO LESS THAN...
43 TIMES!!!
WHAT A SPOILED BRAT! IT'S ALL ABOUT HER! Kelly's appearance on the cover of the worldly “SELF” magazine is appropriately fitting for her selfish songs that glorifies feminism, wifely rebellion and divorce. She certainly seems to be infatuated with herself.
I am not trying to be unkind, for I am a big sinner just like anybody else. My purpose is not to condemn Clarkson; but rather, to bring Biblical attention to the evils of feminist rebellion that's ruining our homes these days. Music is a powerful spiritual medium that can be used for good or evil. Despite Clarkson's shallow claim that she's a Christian, “self” has no place in any Christian's life. Such self-based religion is a hollow-faith at best and a false profession at worst.
Here's Kelly Clarkson's shameful and shameless lyrics promoting the evils of feminist rebellion, mentioning (“I, Me and I'm”) 43 TIMES...
Mr. Know It All
Well you you think you know it all
But you don't know a thing at all ain't it
Ain't it something y'all
When somebody tells you something about you
Think that they know you more than you do
So you take it down, another pill to swallow
Mr. Bring Me Down
Well you like to bring me down, don't you
But I ain't laying down
Baby I ain't going down
Can't nobody tell me how it's gonna be
Nobody's gonna make a fool out of me
Baby you should know that I lead not follow
Oh you think that you know me, know me
that's why I'm leaving you lonely, lonely
'Cause baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me
You ain't got the right to tell me
When and where to go, no right to tell me
Acting like you own me lately
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me
Mr. Play Your Games
Only got yourself to blame
When you want me back again
But I ain't falling back again
'Cause I'm living my truth without your lies
Let's be clear baby, this is goodbye
I ain't comin' back tomorrow
Oh you think that you know me, know me
that's why I'm leaving you lonely, lonely
'Cause baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me
You ain't got the right to tell me
When and where, no right to tell me
Acting like you own me lately
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me
So what you've got the world at your feet
And you know everything about everything
But you don't
You still think I'm coming back but baby you'll see
Oh you think that you know me, know me
that's why I'm leaving you lonely, lonely
'Cause baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me
You ain't got the right to tell me
When and where, no right to tell me
Acting like you own me lately
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me
Mr. Know It All
Well you you think you know it all
But you don't know a thing at all
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me
THE SONG IS ALL ABOUT ME, MYSELF AND I!!! No wonder women these days are so selfish, angersome, belligerent, intolerant, hypocritical, idiotic, witchy, arrogant, proud, perverted, bickersome and divorce-happy!
The deadly thing about Clarkson's feminist music is that it effectively induces a hostile spirit in women against their husbands. You cannot listen to this kind of brainwashing garbage all day and then expect to Biblically submit to your less-than-perfect husband when arguments arise. Songs like this preprogram wives to mercilessly file for divorce and crucify their husbands in court. Have you ever heard a song on the radio that teaches women to submit and obey their man? NEVER! Music is powerful, a medium of education and swaying public opinion. The Devil uses Rock and Country music to promote sexual immorality, rebellion and divorce.
The music and movie industry has always been sexually immoral. Country music has always glorified adultery, cheating, feminism and selfishness. If women would listen to godly music and hear the King James Bible at home where they belong, it would revolutionize our homes in America. A woman who walks with God isn't going to run out in a frantic emotional panic and file for divorce. Howbeit, a shameful wife who fails to walk with God is completely vulnerable to the malicious whims of marriage meddlers, and will likely throw her marriage all away. There are many serpents in the world, even our churches, just as Lucifer came to Eve in the form of a serpent. If a husband and wife (especially wives) aren't wholly committed to each other, then your marriage is doomed to failure because there's millions of losers in this world standing in line, waiting for a moment of weakness in your marriage, when they can step-in and destroy your marriage. Then, like the snake in Genesis, they go their merry way. If I had my way, anyone who causes, helps or even nurtures a divorce would go to prison for a very long time!
Evidently Kelly's sad little celebrity life has gone to her head! Kelly through her music promotes the horrible sins of pride, arrogance, divorce, wifely rebellion, quitting promises, disrespect for authority and; consequently, she blasphemes the Word of God. Miss Clarkson plainly states in her sinful lyrics: “You ain't got the right to tell me.” You're wrong Kelly, a husband DOES have every God-given right to RULE OVER his wife (Genesis 2:16). That includes telling her what to do. Clarkson further foolishly states that a husband has no right to say, “When and where to go, no right to tell me.” Again, you are wrong in God's eyes Kelly. Ephesians 5:22, “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.”
Rebellion is equivalent to the hideous sins of witchcraft and rebellion, both punishable by death under Old Testament Mosaic law. Wifely stubbornness is just as evil as idolatry (1st Samuel 15:23). GOD HATES FEMINIST REBELLION AGAINST FATHERS AND HUSBANDS. America is going to hell because of the rot of feminist rebellion in our marriages, homes and churches. Feminism is of the Devil, the rot of American society. The average pastor is a hen-pecked coward, afraid to preach against feminism, afraid to preach that women shouldn't wear pants in public, afraid to teach that wives are to obey their husband in the Lord.
There is a prevailing negative spirit of rebellion in today's music and media, being targeted at all age groups, but primarily our youth.
Evidently, according to the video, the song lyrics below are about spurned lesbian couple. A lesbian throws her partner's personal belongings down down the stairs and then says she doesn't care, and then crashes their car into a bridge, and still doesn't care. This epitomizes the sinful, reckless and weird attitude and behaviour of America's youth today. Young women have become so crazy nowadays that they're walking around singing ICONA's sicko song, “I Love It,” with the freakish lyrics...
I got this feeling on the summer day when you were gone.
I crashed my car into the bridge. I watched, I let it burn.
I threw your sh*t into a bag and pushed it down the stairs. [note: I edited the slang word “sh*t” for decency]
I crashed my car into the bridge.
I don't care, I love it.The writers can add some additional lines to ICONA's song for the nutcase to the right bragging about murdering her child... “I killed my child and I don't care... I don't care!” That's exactly what that pathetic t-shirt says to the right. This wicked woman has the same monstrous attitude of Kelly Clarkson, who sings, “You ain't got the right to tell me.” Feminists won't even listen to God. Do you know what the truthful irony is? All the evil women who file for divorce and claim that the “husband has no right to tell me what to do,” go out and refuse to do what God tells them to do either. The irony is that divorce is amongst the most horrible of sins that a person can commit, because divorce is a sin that perpetuates for a lifetime.
You cannot show me a rebellious wife who obeys God, for if she obeyed God then she would obey her husband and honor her marriage vows. Our Godless court system in America caters to lesbians, freaks and reckless sex-addicts who keep getting pregnant and aborting their babies. It's almost as if they enjoy the thrill of seeing the abortion clinic again, and hearing the baby's scream as they chop its head into pieces and suck its brains out, while it's alive and begging for its right to live. Sing it... “It's my life, I don't care... I couldn't care less, It's my life, and you won't tell me what to do... Hardy Har Har!” I'm one of very few people who fears God enough to recognize the deadly spiritual attack by occultists against our youth by indoctrinating them with the attitude not to car, to seek total self-independence, even if it means divorce, killing your baby and becoming a total social freak (tattoos, earrings, bad manners, weird clothing, nudity) to express one's rebellion against authority.
Birds Of A Feather (or Lame Ducks) Flock Together!Not surprisingly, Kelly Clarkson is planning on marrying Reba McEntire's stepson, Brandon Blackstock in the fall of 2013. I say not surprisingly because Reba is infamous for her feminist lyrics, whorish stage attire and rebellious attitude (all in the name of music). Reba McEntire is NOT a Biblical Christian, admitting publicly that she thinks she's a reincarnated man, which she understands to make her part Buddhist (which she is clearly ok with). Buddhism totally rejects Jesus as the Christ...
Reba Says She's a Reincarnated Man
October 17, 2008
Reba McEntire's been there, done that. And as a dude, no less.
"I believe in reincarnation," she told the Pittsburgh Post Gazette in advance of her Friday concert at the Mellon Arena. "I believe I've gone both ways — that I have been here before as a man."
McEntire, who has sold 55 million records and enjoyed success on the stage and big and small screens, know her beliefs may irk some of her fans.
"I will get flak from Christians who will say I can't be a Christian if I believe this. That's true, and I'm sorry, but this is how I live my life, this is what I believe," she told the paper. "I believe I have spent time with my son Shelby before. I believe I have spent time with other people in my life before. Who knows? Maybe I'm part Buddhist."
Who know? Maybe President George W. Bush! Reba and the president keep in touch by texting.
"We e-mail each other on our Treos all the time — nothing political, just passing jokes back and forth," she explained. "He's really into e-mail and so are his buddies. Senior Bush invited my husband [Narvel Blackstock] and I on a private cruise to the Greek islands about four years ago. We became very good friends, and that's when the e-mail stuff started."Reba is a bad influence on youth everywhere. Clearly Reba doesn't care what Christians nor God may have to say about her perverted pagan beliefs. She boldly asserts that no one is going to change her heathen beliefs...
“I will get flak from Christians who will say I can't be a Christian if I believe this. That's true, and I'm sorry, but this is how I live my life, this is what I believe.”
It's a very dangerous thing spiritually when you place yourself at odds with “Christians.” From Reba's irreverent attitude toward Christianity, it is abundantly clear that she is NOT a born-again Christian herself. When Reba speaks of being “born-again,” she only means REINCARNATED according to the Buddhist religion. Reba knows that she is an icon of rebellion and the monstrous New World Order loves her for it! Rebellion is synonymous with anarchy. Have you ever asked yourself WHY the secret powers behind the subversion of the United States are doing all this? What is their goal. What do they stand to gain? The answer is twofold.
First, Satan is the god of this evil world according to 2nd Corinthians 4:4 and his ultimate plan is to send the Antichrist. Thus, the Beast System, aka, the New World Order must be erected (and it is every day).
Secondly, Satan recruits evil servants with the love of money, giving fame and fortune to those evildoers who most advance the New World Order. The Devil tried to recruit the Lord in Matthew 4:9-10, but Jesus defeated him with the Word of God (which is our Sword of defense as well).
So Satan stands to gain World Government; but people who worship and serve Satan stand to gain earthly fame, pleasure and fortune. That's how the Devil's sinister game works. Understand these two truths and you've got the foundation of the entire New World Order figured out.
Feminism is far more than a philosophy that aims to promote women's rights. The truth is that feminism is satanic rebellion that aims to removes God from America's homes. The Bible plainly teaches that a wife is to OBEY her husband. Feminism says, “Why can't a married couple just work together and forget about the concept of a wife having to submit.” In theory it sounds great, just like John Lennon's fantasy in his famous song titled, IMAGINE, where he portrays a world without religion or national borders to fight over. When Noah and his family (8 people total) left the ark after the flood, the world was totally corrupted just 4 chapters later by Genesis 11:7-9. The reason why is because of man's wicked sinful nature. Humans are inherently sinful by nature (Romans 5:12). That's why God made the man in charge of a marriage. God knows what He's doing.
In a Biblical marriage, the wife is supposed to be a keeper at home as 1st Timothy 5:14-15 teaches. The idea that women should pursue careers and postpone bearing children until their in their 30's is insane, sinful and blasphemy. Yes, blasphemy!!! You are placing your will above that of God, making God look like He doesn't know what's best. Americans today think they know more than the holy God of the Bible. Women laugh at the Biblical command for ladies to dress modestly in 1st Timothy 2:9. People laugh at the Biblical teaching that children IN THE WOMB all belong to God. Many people today have bought into the demonic lie that homosexuals aren't hurting anyone and should have their rights like anybody else. The tragic truth (which has been deliberately suppressed) is that homosexuality DOES hurt children (evidenced by Oprah Winfrey unintentionally).
The Authority Of Fathers And Husbands Is Under Feminist Attack
The sinful world portrays a good father as a man who permits homosexuality, Rock music, immodest clothing, abortion, sassy children; but a man of God does not tolerate such wickedness. God's man takes a stand against evil and tries to stop it. The Devil controls the U.S. government today and has effectively used the courts to demonize husbands and fathers for asserting their authority to discipline, monitor and rule over their family. The perverted Lifetime television network portrays men who want to know where their wife is at at all times as a form of domestic abuse. Biblically a husband has every God-given right to track his wife's activities and whereabouts. A recent Lifetime film depicted a husband as unreasonable and abusive for getting upset that his wife had an unannounced dinner with a former male friend from years ago. Lifetime is feminist brainwashing! Any normal husband would rightfully get very jealous if he found out that his wife had dinner with another man (unless it was her immediate family). We are living in a whacko society these days, where the holy Bible is hated, rejected and despised by all the kooks, quacks and queers!
I don't expect most women to agree nor understand the things that I am teaching. You know, the Bible wasn't written to the unsaved, heathen wicked world (other than the plan of salvation and to condemn the world). If you reject Christ as your personal Savior, then you'll NEVER be able to grasp nor fathom even the simplest truths contained therein (although you may be able to learn historical facts and basics stories from the Scriptures). Spiritual truths cannot be grasped by truth-rejecters. God hates the sinful world and the sinful world hates God (1st John 2:15-17; James 4:4). There is NO harmony between light and darkness!!! (2nd Corinthians 6:14-17). You're either on God's side or the world's. It's sickening that Reba McEntire says that she was a man in her previous life.
First, Reba had no previous life. I know because the Bible teaches that God made us. Psalms 100:3, “Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves...” Reincarnation is a lie of the Devil, a New Age concept.
The fact that Reba would even say something so unbiblical and bizarre evidences that she doesn't have the Doctrine Of Christ and is not saved. 2nd John 1:9, “Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.”
Clearly, in my opinion, Reba is catering and fulfilling the expectation of all mega-celebrities to support homosexuality. By saying that she was a man in a previous life, she is clearly endorsing transgendered homosexuals (which she evidently is, at least in her beliefs). There's something very wrong with any woman who professes that she was once a man. Reba certainly acts like a man!
It seems staged to me. It's hard for me to believe that of all the things that Reba could say in public, why would she want to upset Christians by saying something like that. It was not blasphemous of Christ, which would have cost her many fans; but it was just enough to show irreverence for the Bible. Johnny Cash and Dolly Parton did the same thing. To remain successful, the industry requires a certain amount of irreverence, support for gays and so forth. It was sickening watching Oprah Winfrey tell Pastor Joel Osteen on her show that it was ok for him to be against same-sex marriages. He wouldn't say it until she gave him the ok. Oprah is a key player in the global billionaire-gang, along with Bill Gates and other nitwits, all serving the Devil's New World Order. This life is short... AND THEN THE JUDGMENT (Hebrews 9:27; Ecclesiastes 12:14; Hebrews 4:13; Matthew 12:36).
Proverbs 9:13, “A foolish woman is clamourous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing.”
Here's a retarded YouTube video where Reba and Kelly promote quitting and divorce. The song by Kelly Clarkson is titled (to no surprise), “WALK AWAY.” Here are some of the lyrics...
I'm looking for attention
Not another question
Should you stay or should you go?
Well, if you don't have the answer
Why are you still standin' here?
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Just walk away
If you don't have the answer
Walk away
Just walk (walk) away
(Just walk away)
Then just leave
Yeah yeah
Walk away
Walk away
Walk awayThere a casual disrespect for authoritative males that Reba and Kelly have made very popular through their sinful feminist music. There's an old true saying that goes, “Attitudes are contagious, is yours worth catching?” Well, Reba's and Kelly's attitude is definitely NOT WORTH CATCHING, anymore than you'd like to contract the A.I.D.S. virus or incurable leprosy! Their rebellion-based music puts anger and contempt in the hearts of women. Feminism is all about rebellion against God-ordained masculine authority in marriage, family, the home and church. The Bible doesn't address the heathen world because 1st John 5:19 tells us that the world has always been evil. God has no interest in the wickedness of the world. God loves the world, that is, all mankind; but the sinful world is enmity (the enemy) with God. If you are a friend of the sinful world, then you are God's enemy (James 4:4).
2nd Timothy 3:1-2, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves...” In the preceding Scripture, the word “men” is generic in the original Greek language and refers to both men and women, that is, people. The Bible is telling us that in the last days, people will be selfish pleasure-seekers. But it gets much worse, people will become nasty, malicious and dangerous to trust. The Bible foretold in 2nd Timothy 3:1-5 that these “perilous” (hard to endure, difficult to cope) times would come, and they are here in 2013.
These will be times associated with widespread religious apostasy, Modernists (unsaved people who pretend to be Christians) and people having a form of godliness (spiritual guidance) that's gospeless (no power to save anyone). Romans 1:16, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” We are increasingly hearing religious teachings from false prophets like Iyanla Vanzant, which are based upon humanism, totally devoid of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Bible warned that people who ascribe to a form of godliness, but denying the power of the gospel.
Feminism Brings The Judgments Of God Upon A Nation
Feminism is all about self and rebellion against God. Feminism is about refusing to submit to God-ordained masculine authority (husbands, fathers and God Himself). There is NO feminine aspect of the Godhead. Deadly feminist indoctrination is rooted in “ME, MYSELF and I” (the god of SELF). It's the DO YOUR OWN THING philosophy that's destroying America's marriages and homes. The Bible teaches respect for authority and obedience. Americans have gone into a culture of sin (a hookup culture of sexual immorality, Rock music, lying, drugs, drunkenness, abortion and homosexual unions). It's not a coincidence that homosexuality is become commonplace along with the evils of abortion, drug abuse and sexual immorality.
Consequently, our government cannot rise any higher than the spiritual base of our society. Many patriotic Americans want to overthrow the corrupt government, while holding onto their wickedness and unbelief in Jesus Christ. It doesn't work that way. Such actions are anarchy and punishable by God. You cannot live in sin, remove a tyrannical government, and expect to replace it with another sinful government. You'd just have another corrupt, tyrannical and evil government in no time at all. Only by righteousness can honest, good and fair government be established!!! This is why the Bible gives us God's recipe for national healing in 2nd Chronicles 7:14, which is to humble ourselves in prayer, seek God's face and turn from our wicked ways. Only then will God hear, forgive and heal our land. ONLY GOD CAN HEAL AMERICA!!!
A group of well-armed rebels cannot bring back our nation. Even if we did have a million-man strong rebel army, the New World Order architects (aka, the globalists, Freemasons, et cetera) would bring in Chinese foreign troops to defeat American resistance within one month. We wouldn't stand a fighting chance! The reason why is because of our love for sin in America. THOU SHALT NOT KILL in Exodus 20:13 means that abortion is cold-blooded murder! What HAPPENS in Vegas is RECORDED in Heaven and it's really making GOD ANGRY!!! (Psalms 7:11). We have become a wicked nation of idolaters, worshipping celebrities and the television. Oh how few people are going to Heaven. Our sins as a nation has blinded most people from the truth of God's Word.
Women are getting more and more covered with tattoos everywhere we go these days. They are marks of worldliness, identifying them with the sinful and Godless world. I was standing in a Kmart checkout line last night and the woman in front of me had tattoos all over her upper body, everywhere. She must be a very lonely person when she looks in the mirror. My heart goes out to people like that. I love people, all people, because God has given me the understanding to look beyond their faults and see their needs in Christ. There are so many hurting people.
I went into a Chinese restaurant the other night. They were fairly busy. I sat there for 15 minutes and no one waited on me. I kindly and sincerely said to the owner, “I can leave and come back later when you're not so busy.” She apologized and took my order, but I could tell she thought she had offended me and wouldn't see me again in the future. So I went back a few days later and could tell she was glad to see me again as a customer. She took out an electronic gadget and showed me pictures of her family. She asked if I knew the place in the pictures that had been sent to her. I knew immediately that it was Mount Rushmore in South Dakota and we talked about Chicago and South Dakota for 20 minutes. I witnessed to her and gave her a Gospel of John to read. You never know what's going on in a person's heart. Many people are lonely and hurting and need encouragement.
Most people just need someone to listen to what they have to say, who won't comment, judge or give unsought advice to them. Dr. Hyles said that, “Unsought advice is rarely taken and usually resented.” Sometimes I just want someone to listen to me for hours, and just be a friend instead of trying to force me to change into what THEY THINK that I should be. It's rare that I have found such a friend in life. Brother Hyles is right, “It's more important to be a friend, than it is to have a friend.” Jesus listened to people, letting them pour out their heart to Him, never telling anyone that He didn't have time for them. It was Nicodemus who came to Jesus BY NIGHT in secrecy to speak with Him (John 7:50). Jesus didn't say to come back in the daytime. Jesus made space for anyone, anywhere and at any time. The Lord looked upon the things and needs of OTHERS (Philippians 2:4-5).
Most people already know what they need to do, but they are discouraged, afraid or afflicted (as in my case because of my chronic neck and body pain. It hurts when you talk to somebody for 10 minutes and then they think they've got your whole life figured out, and they make wrong conclusions about you. No, they don't! I've learned that the best and most important part of being a good friend to anyone is to always be a good listener. I will let you talk and not say a word until you ask, being very delicate with your feelings.
Most people, like Kelly Clarkson and ICONA are walking in the lusts of the flesh, whose “GOD IS THEIR BELLY” (they live for their stomach)...
Philippians 3:18-19, “(For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.)”
Tragically, America is being woefully influenced today by the opinions of singers. It is no coincidence that we see rock idols getting involved into politics, working with the United Nations and incorporating brainwashing government propaganda into their music. Music is a spiritual medium, by which people are greatly influenced. America's youth are under Satanic attack like never before, and it is the duty of every Christian believer to expose the evils of Rock, Country, Rap and so-called Christian Rock...
"The strongest appeal you can make is emotionally. If you can get their emotions going, make them forget their logic, you've got them. AT MTV, WE DON'T SHOOT FOR THE 14-YEAR OLDS, WE OWN THEM." (MTV is Rock Around the Clock, Philadelphia Inquirer, Nov. 3, 1982)
Sadly, MTV does own many of America's youth—corrupting their morals and leading them into Hellfire. 1st John 4:1 tells us to "try" (i.e., test) the spirits, to see if they are of God or not. The Word of God is our test standard. How does your favorite music or music video measure up to the Bible? How do your favorite singers measure up to the Word of God? Do the women dress in modest apparel as 1st Timothy 2:9 commands? Who are their fans praising? Are they flashing the Satanic salute symbol? Is there occult symbolism on their album cover? Does the music you listen to glorify God; or does it glorify sin and having a good time? These are some of the questions that we need to ask ourselves.
I do not hate anybody! I love people, which is why I preach hard and uncompromisingly against sin. Reba McEntire and Kelly Clarkson may be wonderful people to know, and I'm confident that they are. I am not condemning them on a personal level, for we are all sinners in the hands of a forgiving God (or an angry God if you have never received Christ's death, burial and resurrection as full-payment for your sins).
Again, I'm not trying to be unkind in any way, God knows my heart. I'm simply drawing attention to the evils of feminist indoctrination prevalent in music and media these days, which most people either won't or don't know enough about the Bible to refute. Kelly Clarkson's song, “Mr. Know It All,” makes mention of herself (“I, Me and I'm”) 43 TIMES that I counted. Music today is corrupting our values as a culture. Everything about Reba and Kelly bellowing out in unladylike fashion is contrary to the holy Scriptures. Reba says that she doesn't care what Christians may think about her Buddhist beliefs on incarnation, but she ought to care what God thinks, and Christianity is based upon the Book that God authored.
Ephesians 5:8-9, “For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light: (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)”
The Bible warns in Proverbs 16:25, “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Reba is making the same foolish mistake that so many people make, that is, trusting her own instincts and intuitions. Country music has always glorified adultery and the industry is saturated with wickedness, greed and sexual immorality.
“For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God." —John 12:43
Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness!