Your Joy No Man Taketh From You

by David J. Stewart | March 2005
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 "And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you." —John 16:22

       One of my favorite verses in the Bible is John 16:22. I think about it whenever people get me down. I was reading the Bible one day and this verse leaped out at me; it almost knocked me over. What an encouragement it was to me (and still is). Do you think God does not see what is going on in our life? The Bible says in Luke 6:8 that God continually sees our needs. God knows when our feelings have been hurt. He knows exactly what people have done to discourage us or ruin our day. Jesus wants us to be encouraged by remembering at those times that one fine day we will never have to have our joy taken from us again. 

“And ye now therefore have sorrow...” God knows that it is difficult for His children to live in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation. They that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. This is a guarantee. If you live for God, the world will give you up. The Christian life can be a very lonely life when working in a heathen workplace. We will tearfully rejoice someday when we see Jesus in heaven and know that no one will ever be able to hurt us again. Jesus will protect us in every way. What a day that will be!!! Even so, come, Lord Jesus! END

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